我在导航栏中有一个链接(带有 .story 类),如果单击该链接,则会将故事模板呈现到画布 div 中以向用户提供信息。我想在阅读信息后为用户提供删除模板的选项,但是,我无法在模板中的删除“x”上设置点击事件。
我想我知道问题所在。我的 StoryView el 是这样,<div id="story">
所以我可以在其中的任何内容上设置事件,但是由于它呈现到另一个未附加到该视图的 div 中,因此我无法将其从该视图中删除。
<div id="story">
<a href="#" class="story">click this story link to render into canvas_id but how to set event to remove?</a>
<div id="canvas_id"></div>
var StoryView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#story"),
events: {
'click .story': 'render',
'click .delete': 'test'
initialize: function() {
render: function(){
var template = $('#story_template').html();
this.template = _.template(template);
test: function() {
<!-- click .delete event not triggering -->
remove: function(){
alert("how to remove the template");
<!-- how to remove template after rendering -->
var story_view = new StoryView();
<div id="story">
<a href="#" class="story">click this story link to render into canvas_id but how to set event to remove?</a>
<div id="canvas_id"></div>
<script id="story_template" type="text/underscore">
"I want to make the x
after this story clickable to remove the template
but since it's not within the #story div (which
is just a navbar in my real app), it's not working"
<span class="delete">X</span>