我们有几个智能手机应用程序依赖于 Amazon SimpleDB 和 s3。



但是现在,我遇到了这个问题,我们的一个应用程序必须触发一个由 2 个 SimpleDB put 组成的操作。

问题是那些“2 put”必须以原子方式完成,作为一个全有或全无的块。在 2 次放置之间,数据库没有完整性,在这种不良状态下应该没有人能够读取它。


但老实说,这不是我的领域,我希望它不会涉及在专用服务器上编写一些非常复杂的 Webapp。




1 回答 1


Atomicity and transactions are some of the great features in relational databases you give up when using a NoSQL solution like SimpledDB. You may want to consider a cheap hosted MySQL database like the ones provided by Amazon RDS or one of the many other hosted DB vendors. However, if you want to continue with SimpleDB, you don't need queueing, but could roll your own transactions and do like Willy suggested:

  1. Add an attribute like "committed" to your saved items.
  2. Write a tool (or find a product) that can update all your previously saved items with a value of committed=1.
  3. Update your code so that the first step of your two-step operation saves the item with attribute committed=0, and the second step 'commits' the item by setting committed=1.
  4. Change all your queries to only pull committed items, something like this "select * from your_domain where {criteria1} and {criteria2} and {more criteria} and committed = '1'".
于 2013-05-05T17:31:23.900 回答