我有这个想法(使用 C 语言)来检查由 ASCII 字母组成的两个字符串是否是彼此的字谜:

  1. 检查字符串的长度是否相同。

  2. 检查两个字符串的所有字符的 ASCII 值的总和是否相同。

  3. 检查两个字符串的所有字符的 ASCII 值的乘积是否相同。




5 回答 5


我写了一个快速程序来蛮力搜索冲突,发现这种方法并不总是有效。字符串 ABFN 和 AAHM 具有相同的 ASCII 和和积,但不是彼此的字谜。它们的 ASCII 和是 279,ASCII 积是 23,423,400。

还有比这更多的冲突。我的程序搜索所有长度为四个的字符串,发现了 11,737 个冲突。

作为参考,这里是 C++ 源代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  /* Sparse 2D table where used[sum][prod] is either nothing or is a string
   * whose characters sum to "sum" and whose product is "prod".
  map<int, map<int, string> > used;

  /* List of all usable characters in the string. */
  vector<char> usable;
  for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++) {
  for (char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) {

  /* Brute-force search over all possible length-four strings.  To avoid
   * iterating over anagrams, the search only explores strings whose letters
   * are in increasing ASCII order.
  for (int a = 0; a < usable.size(); a++) {
    for (int b = a; b < usable.size(); b++) {
      for (int c = b; c < usable.size(); c++) {
        for (int d = c; d < usable.size(); d++) {
          /* Compute the sum and product. */
          int sum  = usable[a] + usable[b] + usable[c] + usable[d];
          int prod = usable[a] * usable[b] * usable[c] * usable[d];

          /* See if we have already seen this. */
          if (used.count(sum) &&
              used[sum].count(prod)) {
            cout << "Conflict found: " << usable[a] << usable[b] << usable[c] << usable[d] << " conflicts with " << used[sum][prod] << endl;

          /* Update the table. */
          used[sum][prod] = string() + usable[a] + usable[b] + usable[c] + usable[d];


于 2013-02-06T21:52:09.067 回答

你的方法是错误的;我无法解释为什么,因为我不明白,但至少对于基数 3 有不同的集合,它们具有相同的总和和乘积:https ://math.stackexchange.com/questions/38671/two-sets- of-3-positive-integers-with-equal-sum-and-product

于 2013-02-06T21:50:38.610 回答

字母 az 和 AZ 用于索引 26 个素数的数组,这些素数的乘积用作单词的哈希值。相等的产品 <--> 相同的字母。

(以下片段中 primes26[] 数组中哈希值的顺序基于荷兰语中的字母频率,试图模仿预期的产品)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define COUNTOF(a) (sizeof (a)/ sizeof (a)[0])

typedef unsigned long long HashVal;
HashVal hashmem (char *str, size_t len);

unsigned char primes26[] =

struct anahash {
        struct anahash *next;
        unsigned freq;
        HashVal hash;
        char word[1];

struct anahash *hashtab[1024*1024] = {NULL,};
struct anahash *new_word(char *str, size_t len);
struct anahash **hash_find(struct anahash *wp);


HashVal hashmem (char *str, size_t len)
size_t idx;
HashVal val=1;

if (!len) return 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
        char ch = str[idx];
        if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' ) val *= primes26[ ch - 'A'];
        else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ) val *= primes26[ ch - 'a'];
        else continue;
return val;

struct anahash *new_word(char *str, size_t len)
struct anahash *wp;
if (!len) len = strlen(str);

wp = malloc(len + sizeof *wp );
wp->hash = hashmem(str, len);
wp->next = NULL;
wp->freq = 0;
memcpy (wp->word, str, len);
wp->word[len] = 0;
return wp;

struct anahash **hash_find(struct anahash *wp)
unsigned slot;
struct anahash **pp;

slot = wp->hash % COUNTOF(hashtab);

for (pp = &hashtab[slot]; *pp; pp= &(*pp)->next) {
        if ((*pp)->hash < wp->hash) continue;
        if (strcmp( wp->word, (*pp)->word ) > 0) continue;
return pp;

char buff [16*4096];
int main (void)
size_t pos,end;
struct anahash *wp, **pp;
HashVal val;

memset(hashtab, 0, sizeof hashtab);

while (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, stdin)) {
        for (pos=0; pos < sizeof buff && buff[pos]; ) {
                for(end = pos; end < sizeof buff && buff[end]; end++ ) {
                        if (buff[end] < 'A' || buff[end] > 'z') break;
                        if (buff[end] > 'Z' && buff[end] < 'a') break;
                if (end > pos) {
                        wp = new_word(buff+pos, end-pos);
                        if (!wp) {pos=end; continue; }
                        pp = hash_find(wp);
                        if (!*pp) *pp = wp;
                        else if ((*pp)->hash == wp->hash
                         && !strcmp((*pp)->word , wp->word)) free(wp);
                        else { wp->next = *pp; *pp = wp; }
                        (*pp)->freq +=1;
                pos = end;
                for(end = pos; end < sizeof buff && buff[end]; end++ ) {
                        if (buff[end] >= 'A' && buff[end] <= 'Z') break;
                        if (buff[end] >= 'z' && buff[end] <= 'a') break;
                pos = end;
for (pos = 0;  pos < COUNTOF(hashtab); pos++) {
        if (! &hashtab[pos] ) continue;

        for (pp = &hashtab[pos]; wp = *pp; pp = &wp->next) {
                if (val != wp->hash) {
                        fprintf (stdout, "\nSlot:%u:\n", pos );
                        val = wp->hash;
                fprintf (stdout, "\t%llx:%u:%s\n", wp->hash, wp->freq, wp->word);

return 0;
于 2013-02-06T22:17:21.293 回答



  • 平方和的 ASCII 平方根必须相等:

我使用以下 python 程序。我没有完整的证据,但也许我的回答会有所帮助。无论如何,看看。

from math import sqrt

class Nothing:

def equalString( self, strA, strB ):
    prodA, prodB = 1, 1
    sumA, sumB = 0, 0
    geoA, geoB = 0, 0

    for a in strA:
      i = ord( a )
      prodA *= i
      sumA += i
      geoA += ( i ** 2 )
    geoA = sqrt( geoA )

    for b in strB:
      i = ord( b )
      prodB *= i
      sumB += i
      geoB += ( i ** 2 )
    geoB = sqrt( geoB )

    if prodA == prodB and sumA == sumB and geoA == geoB:
      return True
      return False

  def compareStrings( self ):
    first, last = ord( 'A' ), ord( 'z' )
    for a in range( first, last + 1 ):
      for b in range( a, last + 1 ):
        for c in range( b, last + 1 ):
          for d in range( c, last + 1 ):
            strA = chr( a ) + chr( b ) + chr( c ) + chr( d )
            strB = chr( d ) + chr( c ) + chr( b ) + chr( a )

            if not self.equalString( strA, strB ):
              print "%s and %s should be equal.\n" % ( strA, strB )

    print "Done"
于 2013-02-07T00:44:30.513 回答


于 2013-02-06T22:08:19.160 回答