所以我试图弄清楚如何手动创建一个相机类,为相机转换创建一个本地框架。我创建了一个基于 OpenGL SuperBible 的 GLFrame 类的播放器对象。
我将键盘键映射到 MoveUp、MoveRight 和 MoveForward 函数,水平和垂直鼠标移动映射到 xRot 变量和 rotateLocalY 函数。这样做是为了创建一个 FPS 风格的相机。
然而,问题在于 RotateLocalY。翻译工作正常,垂直鼠标移动也是如此,但水平移动以一种奇怪的方式缩小或放大我的所有对象。除了缩放之外,旋转似乎也将自身限制为 180 度,并围绕世界原点 (0.0) 而不是我玩家的本地位置旋转。
我认为缩放与规范化向量有关,但 GLframe 类(我用作参考)从未规范化任何向量,并且该类工作得很好。规范化我的大部分向量只解决了缩放问题,所有其他问题仍然存在,所以我认为一段代码导致了所有这些问题?
location[0] = 0.0f; location[1] = 0.0f; location[2] = 0.0f;
up[0] = 0.0f; up[1] = 1.0f; up[2] = 0.0f;
forward[0] = 0.0f; forward[1] = 0.0f; forward[2] = -1.0f;
// Does all the camera transformation. Should be called before scene rendering!
void Player::ApplyTransform()
M3DMatrix44f cameraMatrix;
glRotatef(xAngle, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
void Player::MoveForward(GLfloat delta)
location[0] += forward[0] * delta;
location[1] += forward[1] * delta;
location[2] += forward[2] * delta;
void Player::MoveUp(GLfloat delta)
location[0] += up[0] * delta;
location[1] += up[1] * delta;
location[2] += up[2] * delta;
void Player::MoveRight(GLfloat delta)
// Get X axis vector first via cross product
M3DVector3f xAxis;
m3dCrossProduct(xAxis, up, forward);
location[0] += xAxis[0] * delta;
location[1] += xAxis[1] * delta;
location[2] += xAxis[2] * delta;
void Player::RotateLocalY(GLfloat angle)
// Calculate a rotation matrix first
M3DMatrix44f rotationMatrix;
// Rotate around the up vector
m3dRotationMatrix44(rotationMatrix, angle, up[0], up[1], up[2]); // Use up vector to get correct rotations even with multiple rotations used.
// Get new forward vector out of the rotation matrix
M3DVector3f newForward;
newForward[0] = rotationMatrix[0] * forward[0] + rotationMatrix[4] * forward[1] + rotationMatrix[8] * forward[2];
newForward[1] = rotationMatrix[1] * forward[1] + rotationMatrix[5] * forward[1] + rotationMatrix[9] * forward[2];
newForward[2] = rotationMatrix[2] * forward[2] + rotationMatrix[6] * forward[1] + rotationMatrix[10] * forward[2];
m3dCopyVector3(forward, newForward);
void Player::getTransformationMatrix(M3DMatrix44f matrix)
// Get Z axis (Z axis is reversed with camera transformations)
M3DVector3f zAxis;
zAxis[0] = -forward[0];
zAxis[1] = -forward[1];
zAxis[2] = -forward[2];
// Get X axis
M3DVector3f xAxis;
m3dCrossProduct(xAxis, up, zAxis);
// Fill in X column in transformation matrix
m3dSetMatrixColumn44(matrix, xAxis, 0); // first column
matrix[3] = 0.0f; // Set 4th value to 0
// Fill in the Y column
m3dSetMatrixColumn44(matrix, up, 1); // 2nd column
matrix[7] = 0.0f;
// Fill in the Z column
m3dSetMatrixColumn44(matrix, zAxis, 2); // 3rd column
matrix[11] = 0.0f;
// Do the translation
M3DVector3f negativeLocation; // Required for camera transform (right handed OpenGL system. Looking down negative Z axis)
negativeLocation[0] = -location[0];
negativeLocation[1] = -location[1];
negativeLocation[2] = -location[2];
m3dSetMatrixColumn44(matrix, negativeLocation, 3); // 4th column
matrix[15] = 1.0f;
class Player
// Variables
M3DVector3f location;
M3DVector3f up;
M3DVector3f forward;
GLfloat xAngle; // Used for FPS divided X angle rotation (can't combine yaw and pitch since we'll also get a Roll which we don't want for FPS)
// Functions
void ApplyTransform();
void MoveForward(GLfloat delta);
void MoveUp(GLfloat delta);
void MoveRight(GLfloat delta);
void RotateLocalY(GLfloat angle); // Only need rotation on local axis for FPS camera style. Then a translation on world X axis. (done in apply transform)
void getTransformationMatrix(M3DMatrix44f matrix);
// Clear screen
// Apply camera transforms
// Set up lights
// Use shaders
// Render the scene
// Do post rendering operations
float mouseSensitivity = 500.0f;
float horizontal = (width / 2) - mouseX;
float vertical = (height / 2) - mouseY;
horizontal /= mouseSensitivity;
vertical /= (mouseSensitivity / 25);
player.xAngle += -vertical;
glutWarpPointer((width / 2), (height / 2));