Consider a program that can be run in parallel and is moved from a single core to a quad core. Will the speed up be 4-fold?

Say you do not see the expected speedup in the program. What can be the possible reasons? Cache is one reason if each core does not have a separate cache then we have a problem. What could be the other issues?


1 回答 1


您看不到性能提升的一个可能原因是,如果您分配给四个处理器的工作真的很小。如果您有 4 个简单的加法运算要发送到不同的处理器,则与仅在一个处理器上执行 4 个运算相比,执行委派工作可能需要更多时间。

于 2013-02-06T02:35:41.687 回答