条件语句,如果更新应该适用于表中的所有行,它将遍历所有条件下的所有行。例如,如果表包含一个 ID 值,则ID > 0
* For successful result, "id" column must be "Not Null (NN)" and defined in
* INT data type. In addition, the "id" column in the table must have PK, UQ
* and AI attributes.
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET first_column_name = first_value, second_column_name = second_value, ...
WHERE id > 0;
如果表不包含 id 列,则可以通过检查不能为空的列来对所有行运行更新操作:
* "first_column_name" column must be "Not Null (NN)" for successful result.
UPDATE schema_name.table_name
SET first_column_name = first_value, second_column_name = second_value, ...
WHERE table_name.first_column_name IS NOT NULL;