我使用 timeit 做了一个小功能,这样我就可以偷懒,少打字,这不是按计划进行的。
def timing(function, retries=10000, formatSeconds=3, repeat=10):
"""Test how long a function takes to run. Defaults are set to run
10 times of 10000 tries each. Will display time as 1 of 4 types.
0 = Seconds, 1 = milliseconds, 2= microseconds and 3 = nanoseconds.
Pass in paramaters as: (function, retries=10000,formatSeconds=3, repeat=10)"""
t = timeit.Timer(lambda: function)
result = t.repeat(repeat=repeat,number=retries)
rlist = [i/retries for i in result]
10 runs of 10000 cycles each:
Best time: 137.94764 Worst:158.16651 Avg: 143.25466 nanosecs/pass
import timeit
from timeit import Timer
t = timeit.Timer(lambda: (find_boundaries(numpy.asarray(Image.open(r'D:\Python\image\image4.jpg')),79)))
result = t.repeat(repeat=5,number=100)
result = [i/100 for i in result]
我最终得到[0.007723014775432375, 0.007615270149786965, 0.0075242365377505395,
0.007420834966038683, 0.0074086862470653615]
, 或大约 8 毫秒。
如果我在脚本上运行分析器,它也会给出大约相同的结果,大约 8 毫秒。
我不太确定问题是什么,尽管我认为它与调用函数的方式有关。当我在调试器中检查数据时,它将函数显示为 len 为 53 的字典,每个键包含 1 到 15 个元组,每个元组有一对 2-3 位数字。