struct DataStructure
MapSmoother *m1;
std::vector<Vertex*> v1;
std::vector<Vertex *>::iterator vit;
DataStructure() {
m1 = NULL;
DWORD WINAPI thread_fun(void* p)
DataStructure *input = (DataStructure*)p;
for( ; (input->vit) != (input->v1).end(); ){
Vertex *v = *input->vit++;
return 0;
//Reading srcMesh
//All the vertices in srcMesh will be encoded with color
MapSmoother msmoother(srcMesh,dstMesh); //initial dstMesh will be created with no edge weights
DataStructure* input = new DataStructure; //struct datatype which holds msmoother object and vector "verList". I am passing this one to thread as a function argument
for(int color = 1; color <= 7 ; color++)
srcMesh.reportVertex(color,verList); //all the vertices in srcMesh with the same color index will be stored in verList datastructure(vector)
std::vector<Vertex *>::iterator vit = verList.begin();
input->vit = vit;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
HANDLE hThread[i] = createThread(0,0,&thread_fun,&input,0,NULL);
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
msmoother.computeEnergy(); // compute harmonic energy based on edge weights
在 thread_fun 中,我在 msmoother 对象上调用一个方法,以便使用边缘权重以及 dstMesh 更新 msmoother 对象。dstMesh 与线程功能完美更新。为了在 msmoother 对象上执行 computeEnergy,对象应该返回到主线程或者它的状态应该被持久化。但它将能量返回为“0”。我怎样才能做到这一点?