我正在做一个我今晚需要完成的程序,基本上它做了一个廉价版本的因式分解......问题是,它没有给我数字,而是 NaN。这是我的代码:
第 1 类(处理该程序的部分):
System.out.println(" ~Factoring~");
System.out.println("in a polynomial, there are 3 important numbers used");
System.out.println("to figure out x. they are a, b, and c, shown below.\n");
System.out.println("\t\t1x^2 +2x -3");
System.out.println("\t\t^ ^ ^");
System.out.println("\t\ta b c");
System.out.print("\nPlease type a, b, and c here[a b c]: ");
int a = input.nextInt();
int b = input.nextInt();
int c = input.nextInt();
mathey factor = new mathey(a,b,c, chooser);
第 2 类:
public class mathey
double a,b,c;
double solution1;
double solution2;
double discriminant;
double x1 = 0;
double x2 = 0;
public mathey(int aN, int bN, int cN)
a = aN;
b = bN;
c = cN;
discriminant = (b*b)-4*a*c;
public String solvea()
solution1 = (-1*b + Math.sqrt(discriminant))/(2*a);
x1 = solution1;
if(discriminant > 0)
return"x = " + solution1;
else if(discriminant == 0)
return "x = " + solution1;
double root1complex = -b/(2*a);
double root1complex2 = Math.sqrt(-discriminant)/(2*a);
return root1complex + " + " + root1complex2 + " i ";
public String solveb()
solution2 = (-1*b - Math.sqrt(discriminant))/(2*a);
x2 = solution2;
if(discriminant > 0)
return"x = " + solution2;
else if(discriminant == 0)
return"x = " + solution2;
double root1complex = -b/(2*a);
double root1complex2 = Math.sqrt(-discriminant)/(2*a);
return root1complex + " - " + root1complex2 + " i ";
public mathey(int aFact, int bFact ,int cFact, int chooser)
a = aFact; b = bFact; c = cFact;
discriminant = (b*b)-4*a*c;
public String solvefact()
String Answer = "";
if((int)solution1 == solution1)
int wholeNum = (int)solution1/1;
double numerator = (solution1%1) * 10;
int denominator = 10;
while(numerator > denominator) {
denominator = denominator * 10;
Answer+="("+denominator+"x + "+((denominator * wholeNum) + numerator)+")";
Answer +="( x + " +(solution1*-1) +")";
if((int)solution2 == solution2)
int wholeNum = (int)solution2/1;
double numerator = (solution2%1) * 10;
int denominator = 10;
while(numerator > denominator) {
denominator = denominator * 10;
Answer+="("+denominator+"x + "+((denominator * wholeNum) + numerator)+")";
Answer +="( x + " +(solution2*-1) +")";
return Answer;
Choose a Way to Solve
1. Quadratic Formula
2. Factoring
Which Method? [1/2]: 2
in a polynomial, there are 3 important numbers used
to figure out x. they are a, b, and c, shown below.
1x^2 +2x -3
^ ^ ^
a b c
Please type a, b, and c here[a b c]: 1 2 -3
(10x + 10.0)(10x + -30.0)
我该如何解决这个问题,所以我得到了我应该得到的输出?(x + 3.0)(x-1.0)