我正在尝试编写一个 PHP 代码来验证字段中的表单输入。如果该字段已经有值,系统必须发送一条错误消息。如果没有值或值与输入相同,则可以提交表单。编辑后的代码是:
* Implement a function to get the ID and the title of the referenced node
* of type Reservation
* by the nodereference field called Period
* in the currently edited node from type Board
* Try to do this by the node_load() instead of the database query
* Is it the correct method to get the edited node's ID?
function period_get_value() {
$thisnodeboard = $node->field_period_1[$node->language][0]['nid'];
$reservationrec = node_load(array('nid'=>$thisnodeboard));
return $reservationrec->title;
* Implement the hook_form_FORM_ID_alter function to validate
* if the field Period has already value set
* and if there is such to check if it is the same as the input value
function period_validate_form_slickgrid_editor_form_alter(&$form, $form_state){
* The current value is the title of the referenced node
$valcurr = period_get_value();
$valnew = $form_state['values']['field_period_1'];
if (isset($valcurr)&&($valcurr!=$valnew)){
form_set_error('field_period_1', t('There is already value set for this field'));
return $form;
但它仍然不起作用 - 不设置任何消息并允许更改 field_period_1 中的现有值。