Is there a way to create a mock class with PHPUnit which I can then create a new instance of by using its class name?

I have an interface which defines two methods. Something like:

interface FooInterface {
    function getA();
    function getB();

I then have another class which accepts a class name, creates an instance of that class, checks if it is an instance of what it expects (FooInterface) and then calls two methods on that class to get some information.

class FooInfo {
    protected $a;
    protected $b;

    public function __construct($fooClass) {
        $foo = new $fooClass;

        if (!($foo instanceof FooInterface)) {
            throw new \Exception();

        $this->a = $foo->getA();
        $this->b = $foo->getB();

I know how to mock an object just fine. The problem is, since this class accepts a class name, not an object (it is a part of a Manager which creates instances of the given class as needed), I can't use a normal mock object.

I tried to make a mock object then use that class name. It seems to create the object just fine, and even seems to have the functions I mocked out. However, it doesn't seem to follow the will($this->returnValue('myValue')) portion I set up later.

public function testConstruct()
    $foo = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('Foo', array('getA', 'getB'));

    $copyClass = get_class($foo);
    $copy = new $copyClass();

    // Passes
    $this->assertTrue(method_exists($copy, 'getA');

    // Fails, $copy->getA() returns null.
    $this->assertEquals($copy->getA(), $foo->getA());

So, it does have the functions which were mocked, but they all return null.

Any ideas?


2 回答 2




也就是说,你想做的事情可以用padraic的优秀 mocking library mockery来完成!您需要的是一个“实例模拟”:

$mock = \Mockery::mock('overload:MyNamespace\MyClass');


将 mockery 与 phpUnit 集成起来很容易,并且在项目的自述文件中得到了很好的解释。


于 2013-01-31T11:21:10.977 回答

方法getAgetB返回 null 因为您没有指定它们应该返回什么。$foo您确实通过调用一些方法为抽象指定了这一点。没有办法解决这个问题。


于 2013-01-31T07:13:15.800 回答