I'm very new to Adobe Edge animations and from my understanding, they render correctly in mobile safari, and UIWebViews embedded inside iOS apps.

However, this would mean that my device always requires an internet connection to display the above animation.

I know it's possible to display stored HTML content from within an iOS app and that there's limited possibilities for running local javascript; Is there a way this can be used to run an Adobe Edge animation locally?

PS: I have not created the animation but I can request whatever files are necessary, from the animator.


1 回答 1


n xCode 您所要做的就是将一个 web 视图拖到您的视图上。为它创建一个出口(我将我的命名为“webview”。)然后将 html 加载到 webview 中,如下所示:

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    NSString *html = @"<html> ... the rest of your html";

    [self.webview loadHTMLString:html baseURL:nil];

要添加 javascript adobe edge,你会给你。只需像这样将它们添加到您的 html 的标题中...

<script type="text/javascript">
   JavaScript statements...


于 2013-01-29T00:40:34.147 回答