Function bIsBlank(x As String) As String
Dim y As String
If x = "" Then 'check to see if it is blank
Exit Function
y = Evaluate(x) 'solve the formula that is pulled in
If y = "0" Then 'check to see if formula equals zero
y = "" 'set to nothing if it is zero
End If
End If
'below is my attempt to fix it by adding quotes on either side of the string
'this did not work
y = Chr(34) & y & Chr(34)
'this seems to solve for a sub but not a formula in a cell for strings
bIsBlank = y
End Function
问题是我不需要使用评估功能。我引入的公式已经解决了。所以说我有一个解决“A”的vlookup。在代码中 X = "A" 不是我最初预期的字符串 vlookup(a1,a5:b10,2,0)