def tsfunc(func):
def wrappedFunc():
print '%s() called' % func.__name__
return func()
return wrappedFunc() -> Here the function is not returned but called eventually
def foo():
foo() - > calling this again doesnt make sense to trigger the decorator, since a reference for the method foo is enough. Hence foo works fine but foo() doesn't (method call has completed already but no value is returned) If you try like this, you would see that the variable has 'None' type
def tsfunc(func):
def wrappedFunc():
print '%s() called' % func.__name__
return func()
return wrappedFunc -- Here I made the correction
def foo():
var1 = foo()
This what happened with the call to foo() when you had the incorrect way of calling the wrapper function rather than returning just the function
So for a decorator to function as per the norms, it should return a wrapper function with the original function being unaltered. And hence it should be rewritten as per the accepted answer