这是我最终在 PHP 客户端中解决这个问题的方法。
我决定只保留 category_items 表中的成员资格,并在提交期间使用动态查询来更新此表。
function update_item_categories($dbh, $id, $requested_cats) {
$data = mysql_check($dbh, mysqli_query($dbh, "select id, query from t_ld_categories where query is not null"), 'getting dynamic categories');
$clauses = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_object($data))
$clauses[] = sprintf('select %d cat_id, (%d in (%s)) should_be_in',
$row->id, $id, $row->query);
if (!$requested_cats) $requested_cats[] = -1; // Dummy entry that never matches cat_id
$requested_cat_string = implode(', ', $requested_cats);
$clauses[] = "select c.id cat_id, (c.id in ($requested_cat_string)) should_be_in
from t_ld_categories c
where member_type = 'lessons' and query is null";
$subquery = implode("\nunion all\n", $clauses);
$query = "select c.cat_id cat_id, should_be_in, (member_id is not null) is_in
from ($subquery) c
left outer join t_ld_cat_members m
on c.cat_id = m.cat_id
and m.member_id = $id";
// printf("<pre>$query</pre>");
$data = mysql_check($dbh, mysqli_query($dbh, $query), 'getting current category membership');
$adds = array();
$deletes = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_object($data)) {
if ($row->should_be_in && !$row->is_in) $adds[] = "({$row->cat_id}, $id)";
elseif (!$row->should_be_in && $row->is_in) $deletes[] = "(cat_id = {$row->cat_id} and member_id = $id)";
if ($deletes) {
$delete_string = implode(' or ', $deletes);
mysql_check($dbh, mysqli_query($dbh, "delete from t_ld_cat_members where $delete_string"), 'deleting old categories');
if ($adds) {
$add_string = implode(', ', $adds);
mysql_check($dbh, mysqli_query($dbh, "insert into t_ld_cat_members (cat_id, member_id) values $add_string"),
"adding new categories");