我想从一系列href中获取id ...我得到了我正在寻找的答案-但是它们在我现有代码的上下文中不起作用-
下面有两个功能-“删除确认”和“编辑对话框调用”都可以在 jsFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/RK4Ye/中工作-但是我的链接是通过 jQuery 生成的(不是硬编码的),当我按原样运行页面时,这两个功能停止工作......我不知道原因是什么......但我已经删除了所有其他 js,这些都不起作用......其他信息 - 页面运行为jQueryUI 选项卡中的一个选项卡...
帮助PLZ ..我什至不知道如何找到问题,所有代码在添加这两个功能之前都可以工作......并且没有抛出错误......
问题:是编辑链接和删除链接都带你到href,类选择器没有捕获点击事件并停止请求......(我意识到ajax调用将无法完全复制行为- 但相信我的话它正在返回并正常运行 - 但我会包含一个 JSON 数据包以防万一)
$( function() {
function loadTable() {
type: 'POST',
url: 'list.php',
dataType: 'json',
success: function ( data ) {
var items = [];
var line = 1;
// clear the table
$( '#companies-list' ).html( '' );
// the real data
$.each( data.companies, function ( key, value ) {
var thisRowClass = 'odd';
if ( line % 2 ) {
thisRowClass = 'even';
items.push( '<tr class="' + thisRowClass + '"><td nowrap>' + value.company +
'</td><td>' + value.address +
'</td><td>' + value.city +
'</td><td>' + value.state +
'</td><td>' + value.zip +
'</td><td nowrap>' + value.phone +
'</td><td>' + value.contact +
'</td><td>' + value.email +
'</td><td>' + value.jobscurrent +
'</td><td>' + value.jobsdone +
'</td><td nowrap> <a href="m/company.php" data-identity="' + value.id + '" class="uLink">edit</a> | <a href="m/company.php?d=' + value.id + '" class="dLink">delete</a> ' +
'</td></tr>' );
line++ ;
$( '#companies-list' ).append( items.join( '' ) );
error: function () {
// there's an error
$( '#message' ).html( '<p>There was a problem on the server... </p>' );
// pre load my list when page loads
$( '.dLink' ).click( function( event ) {
var response = confirm( 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?' );
//the following is the tertiary version of: if (response) { return true; } else { return false; }
return( response ) ? true : false;
$( '.uLink' ).click( function() {
var id = $( this ).data( 'identity' );
alert( id );
return false;
HTML 看起来像这样
<div id="companies-container" class="ui-widget">
<h3>List of Companies</h3>
<table id="companies" class="ui-widget ui-widget-content list">
<tr class="ui-widget-header ">
<th>Jobs Current</th>
<th>Jobs Done</th>
<th> </th>
<tbody id="companies-list">
示例 JSON 数据包:
{ "count": "3", "companies": [{ "id":"2", "company":"Main Customer A", "address":"1234 street ", "city":"Gallatin", "state":"TN", "zip":"30766", "phone":"", "contact":"", "email":"", "jobscurrent":"", "jobsdone":"" },{ "id":"3", "company":"Sub Customer B", "address":"232 road ", "city":"Galatan ", "state":"TN", "zip":"60766", "phone":"", "contact":"", "email":"", "jobscurrent":"", "jobsdone":"" },{ "id":"4", "company":"Sub Customer C", "address":"333 pkwy ", "city":"Nashville", "state":"TN", "zip":"37204", "phone":"", "contact":"", "email":"", "jobscurrent":"", "jobsdone":"" } ] }