我有很大的布局,在一项活动中,我有高度为 270dp 和图标 48x48dp 的 listView。在平板电脑(nexus7)上看起来不错。现在我正在为普通屏幕和小屏幕设计布局。而且这个图标 48x48dp 和 270dp listview 看起来很大。如何根据屏幕尺寸缩小它们。使用什么尺寸?


1 回答 1


In your project you have 4 drawable/ folders, u need to use them in order to get the desired result. Scale your icon to 24x24dp or similiar and place it in drawable-mdpi/ folder. For scaling you can use paint or photoshop. For more info read this. Hope this will help. however it is good to use match_parent with listView instead of dp.

于 2013-01-25T21:02:29.823 回答