是否有任何库允许我使用与 BeanUtils 中相同的已知符号来提取 POJO 参数,但可以轻松替换字符串中的占位符?

我知道使用 BeanUtils 本身或具有类似功能的其他库可以自行开发,但我不想重新发明轮子。


String s = "User ${user.name} just placed an order. Deliver is to be
made to ${user.address.street}, ${user.address.number} - ${user.address.city} / 

并在下面传递 User 类的一个实例:

public class User {
   private String name;
   private Address address; 
   // (...)

   public String getName() { return name; } 
   public Address getAddress() {  return address; } 

public class Address {
   private String street;
   private int number;
   private String city;
   private String state;

   public String getStreet() { return street; }
   public int getNumber() {  return number; }
   // other getters...


System.out.println(BeanUtilsReplacer.replaceString(s, user));




3 回答 3


使用 BeanUtils 滚动自己不会花费太多的轮子改造(假设您希望它像要求的那样基本)。此实现采用 Map 替换上下文,其中映射键应对应于为替换给出的变量查找路径的第一部分。

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;

public class BeanUtilsReplacer
    private static Pattern lookupPattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{([^\\}]+)\\}");

    public static String replaceString(String input, Map<String, Object> context)
        throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException
        int position = 0;
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();

        Matcher m = lookupPattern.matcher(input);
        while (m.find())
            result.append(input.substring(position, m.start()));
            result.append(BeanUtils.getNestedProperty(context, m.group(1)));
            position = m.end();

        if (position == 0)
            return input;
            return result.toString();


Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
context.put("user", user);
System.out.println(BeanUtilsReplacer.replaceString(s, context));
于 2008-09-28T03:55:47.493 回答

Spring Framework 应该具有执行此操作的功能(请参阅下面的 Spring JDBC 示例)。如果您可以使用 groovy(只需添加 groovy.jar 文件),您可以使用 Groovy 的 GString 功能很好地做到这一点。

Groovy 示例

foxtype = 'quick'
foxcolor = ['b', 'r', 'o', 'w', 'n']
println "The $foxtype ${foxcolor.join()} fox"

Spring JDBC 有一个特性,我用它来支持来自 bean 的命名和嵌套命名绑定变量,如下所示:

public int countOfActors(Actor exampleActor) {

    // notice how the named parameters match the properties of the above 'Actor' class
    String sql = "select count(0) from T_ACTOR where first_name = :firstName and last_name = :lastName";

    SqlParameterSource namedParameters = new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(exampleActor);

    return this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql, namedParameters);
于 2008-09-28T03:40:34.083 回答

您的字符串示例是至少在一些模板引擎中的有效模板,例如 Velocity 或 Freemarker。这些库提供了一种将模板与包含一些对象的上下文合并的方法(例如您的示例中的“用户”)。


一些示例代码(来自 Freemarker 网站):

 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */    
        /* You usually do it only once in the whole application life-cycle:    */    

        /* Create and adjust the configuration */
        Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
                new File("/where/you/store/templates"));
        cfg.setObjectWrapper(new DefaultObjectWrapper());

        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */    
        /* You usually do these for many times in the application life-cycle:  */    

        /* Get or create a template */
        Template temp = cfg.getTemplate("test.ftl");

        /* Create a data-model */
        Map root = new HashMap();
        root.put("user", "Big Joe");
        Map latest = new HashMap();
        root.put("latestProduct", latest);
        latest.put("url", "products/greenmouse.html");
        latest.put("name", "green mouse");

        /* Merge data-model with template */
        Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
        temp.process(root, out);
于 2008-09-28T08:23:27.803 回答