编写 osascript 时遇到问题。我需要“告诉”一个 java 进程(GUI)来做某事,但是还有其他 java 进程具有相同的进程名称“java”(也是 GUI),所以我下面的示例代码对我不起作用:

  osascript \
    -e "tell application \"System Events\"" \
       -e "tell process \"java\"" \
          -e "click button \"MyButton\" of tab group 1 of window \"MyWindow\"" \
       -e "end tell" \
    -e "end tell"



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tell application "System Events"
    set javaProcesses to processes whose name is "java"
    repeat with aJavaProcess in javaProcesses
        tell aJavaProcess
                set windowName to name of window 1
                set buttonNames to title of buttons of tab group 1 of window 1
                if windowName is "Java Control Panel" and "Update Now" is in buttonNames then
                    click (first button of tab group 1 of window 1 whose title is "Update Now")
                    exit repeat
                end if
            end try
        end tell
    end repeat
end tell


tell application "System Events"
    set javaIDs to unix id of processes whose name is "java"
    repeat with i from 1 to count of javaIDs
        set aJavaProcess to (first process whose unix id is (item i of javaIDs))
        tell aJavaProcess
            -- do the stuff in the tell block from the code above
        end tell
    end repeat
end tell
于 2013-01-25T02:05:30.867 回答