我有一个脚本,我想监控另外两个脚本。基本上,如果监控脚本看到记事本打开,它会检查是否 script1 被挂起,如果不是,它什么也不做,它会挂起 script1 并取消挂起 script2。

       If (WinExist("ahk_class Notepad") AND (script1 A_IsSuspended = 1)){
            Suspend script2
            un-suspend script1


有没有办法发送暂停开/关而不是切换到脚本?这是切换: PostMessage, 0x111, 65305,,, script1.ahk - AutoHotkey


1 回答 1



  • 通过发送菜单命令消息;即切换。
  • 通过实现某种形式的进程间通信(消息传递)并让其他脚本自行挂起。


ScriptSuspend(ScriptName, SuspendOn)
    ; Get the HWND of the script's main window (which is usually hidden).
    dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows
    DetectHiddenWindows On
    if scriptHWND := WinExist(ScriptName " ahk_class AutoHotkey")    
        ; This constant is defined in the AutoHotkey source code (resource.h):
        static ID_FILE_SUSPEND := 65404

        ; Get the menu bar.
        mainMenu := DllCall("GetMenu", "ptr", scriptHWND)
        ; Get the File menu.
        fileMenu := DllCall("GetSubMenu", "ptr", mainMenu, "int", 0)
        ; Get the state of the menu item.
        state := DllCall("GetMenuState", "ptr", fileMenu, "uint", ID_FILE_SUSPEND, "uint", 0)
        ; Get the checkmark flag.
        isSuspended := state >> 3 & 1
        ; Clean up.
        DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", fileMenu)
        DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", mainMenu)

        if (!SuspendOn != !isSuspended)
            SendMessage 0x111, ID_FILE_SUSPEND,,, ahk_id %scriptHWND%
        ; Otherwise, it's already in the right state.
    DetectHiddenWindows %dhw%


SetTitleMatchMode 2  ; Allow filename instead of full path.
ScriptSuspend("script1.ahk", true)   ; Suspend.
ScriptSuspend("script1.ahk", false)  ; Unsuspend.

您可以通过将 ID_FILE_SUSPEND (65404) 替换为 ID_FILE_PAUSE (65403) 来对暂停执行相同操作。但是,您需要将 WM_ENTERMENULOOP (0x211) 和 WM_EXITMENULOOP (0x212) 消息发送到要更新暂停脚本复选标记的脚本。

于 2013-08-13T08:46:25.793 回答