我在 Google 电子表格中有一些日期,我将它们引入到这样的脚本中:
var JCstartDateFix = Math.floor(Date.parse(JCstartDate) / 86400000) + 25570;
var todaysDateFix = Math.floor(Date.parse(todaysDate) / 86400000) + 25570;
如何在脚本末尾执行与此相反的操作以将其更改回 mm/dd/yyyy 格式的日期?
function projectedDate(JCstartDate, overallPercent, pace, todaysDate, HSstartDate, DaysInHS) {
//converts dates to a number of days
var JCstartDateFix = Math.floor(Date.parse(JCstartDate) / 86400000) + 25570;
var todaysDateFix = Math.floor(Date.parse(todaysDate) / 86400000) + 25570;
//This says that there's no projected date since the student hasn't started high school yet
if(HSstartDate == ""){
return "HS not started";
//This calculates grad date if the student's been here more than 8 months or if their percent is over 80.
else if(DaysInHS >= 200 || overallPercent >=80){
var percentPerDay = overallPercent/(DaysInHS);
var daysLeft = (100 - overallPercent) / percentPerDay;
if((todaysDateFix + daysLeft) > (JCstartDateFix +730)){
return "You are not on track to complete.";
return (todaysDateFix + daysLeft);
//This calculates grad date if the student's been at JC less than 8 months
if(JCstartDateFix + 600 - pace > JCstartDateFix + 730){
return "You are not on track to complete.";
return (JCstartDateFix+600-pace);
我在一所学校工作,那里的学生从不同的时间开始,并按照自己的节奏工作。他们有 2 年的时间来完成。所以这个脚本根据他们开始的时间和他们的进度来估计他们的毕业日期。它使用不同的公式,具体取决于他们在这里的时间。我对电子表格上的日期感到满意,但如果我从电子表格中格式化它们,另一个脚本无法正确提取文本字符串并给出 1969 年的日期。