有谁知道如何在 mysql 工作台中显示查询执行时间?我正在运行 5.2.45 版,我无法在任何地方看到查询运行所花费的时间!多么神秘!


3 回答 3


When you run a query the server response is listed in the output pane below the editor/result set grid. There's a selector to switch between different parts, so make sure you select "Action Output". In this grid you see if a query run successfully or failed, when it ran, the query text, the server response and the query times (time to execute the query and time to retrieve data).

As it turns out sometimes the bottom area can "get lost", that is, it no longer shows up despite the toggle in the toolbar is set to show the "Action Output". In that case it is very likely that the splitter which is hosts the action output as well as the editor and right side bar got in a state where it collapsed the lower part. Try moving your mouse slowly below the bottom tab ("Result 2") until it changes to a split cursor. Then drag the splitter up to make the lower part visible. I have also seen (mostly on Mac) that the cursor does not change, but can still drag the splitter.

于 2013-01-29T08:03:56.923 回答



于 2017-05-09T07:59:03.827 回答

最多显示为 Requested in time(sec.)

于 2019-09-24T06:38:13.967 回答