// The "Summative" class.
// Melanie Deivendram
// Jan.16,2012
// Purpose: To create a program as part of the summative
import java.awt.*;
import hsa.Console;

public class Summative

    static Console c;           // The output console

    public static void main (String[] args)
        c = new Console ();

        // Title Page 

        c.setColor (Color.orange);
        c.fillRect (0, 0, 2000, 900);
        c.drawRect (0, 0, 2000, 900);

        c.setColor (Color.white);
        Font times = new Font ("Times", Font.BOLD, 50);
        c.drawString ("Summative", 180, 50);

        Font tahoma = new Font ("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 20);

        c.getChar ();
        c.clear ();       

        int choice;

        c.drawString ("\t\t 1.Count Vowels", 0, 250);
        c.drawString ("\t\t 2.One Dimensional Array Task", 0, 300);
        c.drawString ("\t\t 3.Graphical animation", 0, 350);
        c.drawString ("\t\t 4.String Methods", 0, 400);
        c.drawString ("\t\t 5.ICS3U Program Portfolio ", 0, 450);
        c.drawString ("\t\t 6.Exit", 0, 490);


        c.print ("What is your choice (1-6): ");
        choice = c.readInt ();
        if ((choice < 1) || (choice > 6))
        c.println ("Invalid ... enter 1-6 only");
        while ((choice < 1) || (choice > 6));
        switch (choice)

         if (choice==1)


        c.println ("What word would you like to enter?");

    String word = c.readString ();

    int count1 = 0;
      for (int num = 0 ; num < word.length () ; num++)
        char numbers = word.charAt (num);
        if (numbers == '0' || numbers == '1' || numbers == '2' || numbers == '3' || numbers == '4' || numbers == '5' || numbers == '6' || numbers == '7' || numbers == '8' || numbers == '9')

      if (count1 != 0)

      c.println("That is invalid, please try again");

     if (count1 == 0)

    int count = 0;
      for (int num = 0 ; num < word.length () ; num++)
        char vow = word.charAt (num);
        if (vow == 'a' || vow == 'e' || vow == 'i' || vow == 'o' || vow == 'u' || vow == 'A' || vow == 'E' || vow == 'I' || vow == 'O' || vow == 'U')
      c.println (" There are " + count + " vowels");

      if (count == 0)

      c.println("There are no vowels in the word");


这是我的考试项目,运行程序时似乎出现语法错误。错误发生在第 8 行和第 9 行,一个有类,一个在它下面。我在这里做的是一个菜单,这些是选项。我使用“准备编程”来创建程序。


1 回答 1



public class Summative {

    static Console c;


正如@ccheneson 所提到的},您的类定义的结束似乎也不见了。

你应该看看你的代码缩进,它一开始似乎很好,但后来失败了。通过适当的缩进,您可以轻松发现这些错误,因为几乎所有缩进的块都必须用 and 括{起来}

于 2013-01-23T10:59:17.107 回答