if(objectList[selectedIndex].Selected == true)
//The width would be mouselocationx - objectlocationx
//The height would be mouselocationy - objectlocationy
//Off set the position so it doesnt snap to mouse location
//WHY THE *%$!! DOESNT THIS WORK!!?!?!?!?!?!?
//int width = e.X - objectList[selectedIndex].X;
//int height = e.Y - objectList[selectedIndex].Y;
//Why is this so hard??
//Point location = objectList[selectedIndex].Location;
//location.X = e.X - (e.X - objectList[selectedIndex].Location.X);
//location.Y = e.Y - (e.Y - objectList[selectedIndex].Location.Y);
objectList[selectedIndex].X = e.Location.X - 12;
objectList[selectedIndex].Y = e.Location.Y - 12;
objectLocationXLabel.Text = "OBJX: " + objectList[selectedIndex].X.ToString();
objectLocationYLabel.Text = "OBJY: " + objectList[selectedIndex].Y.ToString();