我最近一直在使用 STL 的 unordered_map,虽然它似乎工作得很好,但鉴于数据类型作为模板参数给出,我不太了解哈希函数是如何工作的。为了更彻底地理解这个数据结构,我在 C++ 中实现了我自己的小 Hashmap 类:
#ifndef _HASHMAP_H_
#define _HASHMAP_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector.h>
//Beginning of Hashmap class definition
template <class Key, class Value>
class Hashmap{
int mappedElementCount;
explicit Hashmap();
virtual ~Hashmap();
virtual void test();
virtual int hash(Key*);
int* getSize();
void putKVPair(Key*,Value*);
void clearMap();
//When we use these methods, we'll want a linear vector of keys and values to
//iterate over, so vector is good here
std::vector<Key>* getKeys();
std::vector<Value>* getValues();
}; //end hashmap class definition
#endif /*_HASHMAP_H_*/
#include "Hashmap.h"
template<class Key,class Value> Hashmap<Key,Value>::Hashmap(){
mappedElementCount = 0;
template<class Key,class Value> Hashmap<Key,Value>::~Hashmap(){
printf("\nDestroying the base Hashmap object!\n");
template<class Key,class Value> void Hashmap<Key,Value>::test(){
printf("The size of our Key is %i and the size of our Value is
template<class Key,class Value> int Hashmap<Key,Value>::hash(Key* k_ptr){
unsigned int hashval;
/* we start our hash out at 0 */
hashval = 0;
//TODO: How do we generate a hash signature when we don't know what data type
//we're going to be working with?
return hashval % mappedElementCount;
template<class Key,class Value> std::vector<Key>* Hashmap<Key,Value>::getKeys(){
//TODO: prepare a vector initialized with all Key objects and return it here
return keys;
template<class Key,class Value> std::vector<Value>* Hashmap<Key,Value>::getValues(){
//TODO: prepare a vector initialized with all Value objects and return it here
return values;
template<class Key,class Value> int* Hashmap<Key,Value>::getSize(){
return &mappedElementCount;
template<class Key,class Value> void Hashmap<Key,Value>::putKVPair(Key* k, Value* v){
//TODO: implement hashing of the key object k to determine
//the address of the value object v
//first step, generate a hash from our key
int tempHash = hash(k);
//TODO: store the Value at an address given by or influenced by tempHash
//If all was successfully completed, increment the mapped records counter
template<class Key,class Value> void Hashmap<Key,Value>::clearMap(){
//TODO: implement a cascading chain of deallocation of stored objects within the
//MAYBE-- only if we create new objects rather than just mapping reference
//which is really the goal here... In the latter case, just empty the Hashmap
解决此问题的一种可能的 OOP 方法是使用 Hashmap 作为基类,并提供具有已知 Key 数据类型的派生类,例如以下 Stringmap:
#ifndef _STRINGMAP_H_
#define _STRINGMAP_H_
#include "Hashmap.h"
template <class Value>
class Stringmap:public Hashmap<std::string,Value>{
//Con/de 'structors
explicit Stringmap();
//Here we know our Key will be of type std::string
//so we can generate our hash sig by char values
//Override hash from the base class
int hash(std::string*);
//override test from base class
void test();
#endif /*_STRINGMAP_H_ def*/
#include "Stringmap.h"
template<class Value> Stringmap<Value>::Stringmap():Hashmap<std::string,Value>(){
template<class Value> Stringmap<Value>::~Stringmap(){
printf("\nDestroying the derived stringmap object!\n");
template<class Value> void Stringmap<Value>::test(){
printf("The size of our Value is %i\n",sizeof values[0]);
template<class Value> int Stringmap<Value>::hash(std::string* str_ptr){
unsigned int hashval;
/* we start our hash out at 0 */
hashval = 0;
/* for each character, we multiply the old hash by 31 and add the current
* character. Remember that shifting a number left is equivalent to
* multiplying it by 2 raised to the number of places shifted. So we
* are in effect multiplying hashval by 32 and then subtracting hashval.
* Why do we do this? Because shifting and subtraction are much more
* efficient operations than multiplication.
for(int i=0;i<str_ptr->length();i++) {
hashval = (*(str_ptr))[i] + ((hashval << 5) - hashval);
/* we then return the hash value mod the hashmap size so that it will
* fit into the necessary range
return hashval % (*(Hashmap<std::string,Value>::getSize()));
那么问题来了:当要散列的数据类型目前未知时,是否可以创建散列签名?如果是这样,怎么做?查看 std::hash 文档,似乎 C++ 标准只是为每个原始数据类型以及 T* (对于任何类型 T)定义了一个哈希函数......缺少的是如何为给定的实现这种哈希原始数据类型,更重要的是,它是如何为通用 T* 实现的。我想我可以只调用 hash(Key) 并希望最好,但很高兴了解幕后发生的事情。