This web service falls into the category of document literal wrapped web services. The following points are true:
- Binding is document/literal
- operation's (getProductList()) in/out messages contains one wsdl:part each
- request part refers to XSD element with the same name as operation
- response part refers to XSD element with the same name as operation + "Response"
So you have void
return, but there are really 4 results:
Holder<List<Product>> oProduct
Holder<Integer> iTotalCount
Holder<List<RefineByGroup>> oActiveRefineByGroup
Holder<List<RefineByGroup>> oRefineByGroup
CXF (using wsimport
) has generated WRAPPED
style of operations. You can also generate BARE
style using CXF's:
wsdl2java -bareMethods
This way, instead of:
@RequestWrapper(localName = "getProductList", targetNamespace = "", className = "productserve.GetProductList")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "getProductListResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "productserve.GetProductListResponse")
public void getProductList(
you'll get:
@WebResult(name = "getProductListResponse", targetNamespace = "", partName = "return")
public GetProductListResponse getProductList(
@WebParam(partName = "parameters", name = "getProductList", targetNamespace = "")
GetProductList parameters
) throws ApiException;