我的 Android 应用在 Galaxy S4 上运行速度很慢。对于 SLOW,我的意思是,它比 Galaxy SII 慢 10 到 20 倍……奇怪的是它在 S2、galaxy tab 10.1、galaxy note 10.1 和一堆其他三星设备上足够快;在 S3 上速度明显较慢,在 S4 上速度非常慢...
I've found the problem: I don't know why but it slows when it loads images from the assets folder... it works really smooth if I put all those images in the drawable folder. The problem, now, is that i can't do it because my app will download the images from the internet (it will download a zip and put the images in a folder of the application).
Will try something else...
I am now using picasso for android and it works really smooth... recommended!!!
没有使用特定 Galaxy S4 的经验。但是您可以通过检查Show GPU overdraw
除此之外,检查层次结构查看器以查看您的布局树是否太深,StrictMode以查看您是否阻塞了 UI 线程,并使用lint对一般问题进行静态代码分析。