我正在设计一个 HTTP API。
我有一个具有 Balance 属性的 Card 资源,客户可以添加/减去该属性。
起初我认为这应该实现为 PUT,因为它是对资源的一种更新形式,但后来我读到 PUT 是幂等的,但增加一个数量不是幂等的。
POST example.org/card/{card-Id}/AddToBalance
data: value=10
将在余额中增加 10。
Yea, use cases like these are not where REST excels (expressing operations, particularly when they only affect a small subset of an entities data). Your particular case is pretty simple though, you can handle it with a slight change to your verb and endpoint:
PUT example.org/card/{card-Id}/balance
{"value" : 100}
Basically read as "Update the balance of card {id} to 100"
. On the server side you will still need to validate the transaction, and determine wether its a valid add based off the existing value of the balance.
就 REST 原则而言,设计看起来不错。
PUT 动作应该是幂等的。但这取决于你的要求