我正在构建一个 Windows 8 应用程序,我将在其中使用 Password Vault 捕获和存储凭据。然后我想将它们用于对特定域的所有 HTTPS 请求。这对于单个请求来说很容易,但我希望它是无缝的。我无法在清单中使用企业身份验证功能,因为这些机器未加入域。我查看了 Web 身份验证代理,但这似乎是针对使用 OAuth 的。


1) Enable Enterprise Authentication and white-list the domain to use
these credentials for (even though these machines are not domain joined)?

2) Use Web Authentication to somehow use
my credentials (that I capture during initial launch) for all HTTPS
requests without OAuth? 

3) If none of the above work, what is the
best way to use credentials that are in the Password Vault for all
HTTP requests to a specific domain, rather than pragmatically
submitting them with each request? (want this to be seamless so I
can write HTML without calling on this JavaScript function each
time.  Thanks!

1 回答 1


我认为这在 Windows 8 中是不可能的。您需要使用 WinJS.xhr()or为每个请求提交凭据XMLHttpRequest.open(),或者更新您的服务以支持 OAuth 或 OpenID。

于 2013-05-04T04:50:21.993 回答