我一直在寻找用于 mvc.net 4 的管理界面生成器。我注意到对于不同的环境有类似的工具(例如http://activeadmin.info/用于 Ruby on Rails)。

我的主要目标是为管理员用户提供所有 CRUD 选项(新建、编辑等),但还添加其他功能,例如表单等。此外,这应该是通用的,因此不必重新编写对于每个应用程序。

任何人都可以指出 mvc.net 4 这样的工具吗?


1 回答 1


I'm not sure that there is a tool that will generate a whole interface for you nor be entirely generic, however, there is built-in functionality to generate a CRUD Controller (and corresponding views) from within your project if you're using Entity Framework.

Right click your project file, and add a new controller and you are presented with Templates. Choosing MVC controller with read/write actions and views, using Entity Framework will allow you to select your model and entities class, and then generate forms for you.

Add Controller R/W

Most of the time you can begin using the forms immediately, however sometimes they may need minor modifications (best example I can think of is if you're using UNIQUEIDENTIFIER as your key). You will need to add authorisation for the controllers too.

Of course, if you're not using Entity Framework, this won't be of much help to you.

于 2013-01-20T12:41:03.330 回答