我想在图像分类中使用词袋特征,如何可视化码本?我使用 keypoint-sift 然后 kmeans 进行聚类。例如, http: //fias.uni-frankfurt.de/~triesch/courses/260object/papers/Fei-Fei_CVPR2005.pdf(图 4)


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The 174-word codebook is visualized by a patch. The paper mentioned they used two types of representation, one is 11*11 pixel patch and the other is SIFT descriptors. Fig 4 is a result based on the former presentation after a k-means clustering. They cannot visualize a codebook based on SIFT (a wired image as 174*128 ). Of course, we can get the closest SIFT in query and visualize a patch around corresponding keypoint. Hope it helps.

于 2015-12-01T13:25:10.107 回答