If you want hidden information, you might think about putting it in a different process, or on a different machine, rather than in a locale. You could also try obscuring it (for example, using the foreign function interface, or files), but whether this is valid depends on your reasons for hiding the information.
That said, note that accessing arbitrary information in an arbitrary locale is somewhat like using the debugger api or reflection api in another language. You can do it, but if that's not what you want you should probably avoid doing that.
That said, in my opinion, you should ideally eliminate private state, rather than hide it. (And, if that winds up being too slow, you might also consider implementing the relevant speed-critical part of your code in some other language. J is wonderful for exploring architectural alternatives but the current implementations do not include compilers suitable for optimizing arbitrary, highly serial, algorithms. You could consider (13 :) or (f.) to be compilers - but they are not going to replace something like the gcc build tools and they currently are not capable of emitting code that gcc can handle.)
That said, it's also hypothetically possible that a language extension (analogous to 9!:24) could be added, to prevent explicit access to locales from new sentences.