我在 python 中编写了一个回文测试器,当手动输入某个包含双引号的回文时,程序会正确地将其识别为回文。但是,当我复制并粘贴同一行文本时,程序无法在将字符串与其反向字符串进行比较之前删除双括号。
### Palindrome Test ###
import string # class which includes all punctuation characters
word = raw_input("Please enter a word or phrase:\n")
if (len(word) <= 1): # if 0 or 1 character input
print 'Sorry, ' + '"' + word + '"' + ' is too short to be a palindrome.'
tword = word.lower() # make input lowercase so capital letters don't cause problems, assn to new var
tword2 = tword.replace(' ','') # replace spaces with empty strings to remove space asymmetry
tword3 = list(tword2) # break lowercase, spaceless input into list of characters, assn to new variable
# ditch punctuation in list
tword3 = [''.join(c for c in s if c not in string.punctuation) for s in tword3]
fword = ''.join(tword3) # gives us a lowercase, spaceless, punctuationless forward string
tword3.reverse() # reverse list of characters
bword = ''.join(tword3) # rejoin backwards list, assn to new variable
if bword == fword: # check equivalence of backwards and forwards lowercase, spaceless, punctuationless input
# if equivalent, print 'yes' message with original input
print 'YES, ' + '"' + word + '"' + ' is a palindrome.'
else: # else, 'no' message with original input
print 'NO, ' + '"' + word + '"' + ' is not a palindrome.'
什么时候,例如,“甜点,姐姐?” (强调感性)。作为输入输入,它正确地返回“是”消息。当我粘贴它时,它会给出一个“不”的消息。
编辑:我发现从本网站粘贴或 word 文档不会给我带来问题。但是,从此页面 (http://www.palindromelist.net/Desserts-sis-Sensuousness-is-stressed/) 粘贴确实会产生错误的输出。