我正在编写一个简单的 Monte-Carlo 模拟脚本,稍后我将扩展该脚本以用于更大的项目。该脚本是一个基本的爬虫,试图在网格中从 A 点到达 B 点。A点的坐标是(1,1)(这是左上角),B点的坐标是(n,n)(这是右下角,n是网格的大小)。
- 新点仍应在 nxn 网格的边界内
- 以前不应访问新点
新点将在剩余的有效选项中随机选择(据我所知,Python 使用 Mersenne Twister 算法来选择随机数)。
我想运行模拟 1,000,000 次(下面的代码只运行 100 次),并且每次迭代都应该终止:
- 爬虫卡住(没有有效的移动选项)
- 爬虫到达网格上的最终目的地 (n,n)。
我以为我正确地实现了算法,但显然出了点问题。无论我运行模拟多少次(100 次或 1,000,000 次),我只获得 1 个成功事件,而爬虫设法到达终点,其余尝试(99 次或 999,999 次)均不成功。
import random
i = 1 # initial coordinate top left corner
j = 1 # initial coordinate top left corner
k = 0 # counter for number of simulations
n = 3 # Grid size
foundRoute = 0 # counter for number of cases where the final point is reached
gotStuck = 0 # counter for number of cases where no valid options found
coordList = [[i, j]]
while k < 100:
while True:
validOptions = []
opt1 = [i - 1, j]
opt2 = [i, j + 1]
opt3 = [i + 1, j]
opt4 = [i, j - 1]
# Check 4 possible options out of bound and re-visited coordinates are
# discarded:
if opt1[0] != 0 and opt1[0] <= n and opt1[1] != 0 and opt1[1] <= n:
if not opt1 in coordList:
if opt2[0] != 0 and opt2[0] <= n and opt2[1] != 0 and opt2[1] <= n:
if not opt2 in coordList:
if opt3[0] != 0 and opt3[0] <= n and opt3[1] != 0 and opt3[1] <= n:
if not opt3 in coordList:
if opt4[0] != 0 and opt4[0] <= n and opt4[1] != 0 and opt4[1] <= n:
if not opt4 in coordList:
# Break loop if there are no valid options
if len(validOptions) == 0:
gotStuck = gotStuck + 1
# Get random coordinate among current valid options
newCoord = random.choice(validOptions)
# Append new coordinate to the list of grid points visited (to be used
# for checks)
# Break loop if lower right corner of the grid is reached
if newCoord == [n, n]:
foundRoute = foundRoute + 1
# If the loop is not broken, assign new coordinates
i = newCoord[0]
j = newCoord[1]
k = k + 1
print 'Route found %i times' % foundRoute
print 'Route not found %i times' % gotStuck