我正在使用 plist 将数十个数据解析到 tableview 中。它工作得很好。然而,它是不受保护的。如果他打开 .ipa 文件的内容,某人可以轻松访问该 plist 文件。我想保护我的数据。有没有办法保护 .plist 文件?据我所知,Sqlite 通过将值更改为复杂的键来保护数据。然而,如果我要在我的应用程序中使用 sqlite,我必须改变我将数据解析为字符串的方式。我对 SQLite 一无所知。

从哪儿开始?你有什么建议?是否有更简单更好的方法来保护 ios 应用程序中的数据?


我的 plist 示例:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
        <string>Check your knowledge about great historical events, who did what where to whom!</string>
                <string>In monarchy, for how long does the head of state rule?</string>
                    <string>5 years</string>
                    <string>until someone else is elected</string>
                    <string>as long as he/she is the party leader</string>
                    <string>until death or abdication</string>
                <string>When was World War 2 fought?</string>
                    <string>1935 - 1939</string>
                    <string>1914 - 1918</string>
                    <string>1939 - 1945</string>
                    <string>1918 - 1939</string>
                <string>Peloponnesian War was famous greek war between...</string>
                    <string>Athens and Sparta</string>
                    <string>Greece and Persia</string>
                    <string>Athens and Attica</string>
                    <string>Greece and Macedonia</string>
                <string>Battle of the Pyramids was fought between which two forces?</string>
                    <string>Egypt and Rome</string>
                    <string>French and Mamluk</string>
                    <string>Egypt and Persia</string>
                    <string>Mamluk and Rome</string>
                <string>First Winter Olypmics were held in...</string>
                    <string>Italy, 1920</string>
                    <string>Germany, 1921</string>
                    <string>England, 1928</string>
                    <string>France, 1924</string>
        <string>Animal kingdom</string>
        <string>Not sure how many legs does the spider have? Test your knowledge and find out!</string>
                <string>Where were the cats domesticated?</string>
                    <string>In Greece, around 500 B.C.</string>
                    <string>In ancient Egypt, around 1.600 B.C.</string>
                    <string>In China, around 2.000 B.C.</string>
                    <string>In Mongolia, around 1.400 B.C.</string>
                <string>Dogs have a range of hearing of...</string>
                    <string>approximately 40 Hz to 60,000 Hz</string>
                    <string>approximately 10,000 Hz to 60,000 Hz</string>
                    <string>approximately 40 Hz to 5,000 Hz</string>
                    <string>approximately 5,000 Hz to 30,000 Hz</string>
                <string>Meerkats can be found where?</string>
                    <string>north Africa and south-west Asia</string>
                    <string>south Africa</string>
                    <string>Africa and Australia</string>
                <string>Biggest mammal is...</string>
                    <string>Blue whale</string>
                    <string>Killer whale</string>
                <string>Which of these animals sheads it&apos;s skin?</string>

1 回答 1


如果您只想加密您的 plist 文件,请查看这个 SO question

如果你真的想要 sqlite,那么不要直接处理 sqlite,看看CoreData。Core data 是一个 Apple 框架,它使得使用 NSObjects 和关系来存储和获取数据变得非常容易。如果需要,核心数据可以使用 sqlite 进行存储。学习曲线相当陡峭,但值得学习,因为它是一个非常有用的框架,需要掌握。

请记住,sqlite DB 只是存储在默认情况下任何人都可以读取的文件中。所以你需要更多的努力来加密它。

于 2013-01-17T20:16:12.580 回答