这是维基百科上关于中缀、后缀和分流场算法的信息的一个非常基本的实现(仅限数字、括号和 +-/* 运算符)。可以整理和改进,我会为我自己的工作做,但我在这里发布之前我将它定制得面目全非:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Infix_to_Postfix
#region enums
enum TokenTypes
enum Associativenesses
enum OperatorTypes { Plus, Minus, Multiply, Divide, Equals, Exclamation, Modulus }
enum ParenthesisTypes { Open, Close }
#region classes
public class Token { }
class Operator : Token
public OperatorTypes OperatorType { get; set; }
public Operator(OperatorTypes operatorType) { OperatorType = operatorType; }
public int Precedence
switch (this.OperatorType)
case OperatorTypes.Exclamation:
return 4;
case OperatorTypes.Multiply:
case OperatorTypes.Divide:
case OperatorTypes.Modulus:
return 3;
case OperatorTypes.Plus:
case OperatorTypes.Minus:
return 2;
case OperatorTypes.Equals:
return 1;
throw new Exception("Invalid Operator Type for Precedence get");
public Associativenesses Associativeness
switch (this.OperatorType)
case OperatorTypes.Equals:
case OperatorTypes.Exclamation:
return Associativenesses.Right;
case OperatorTypes.Plus:
case OperatorTypes.Minus:
case OperatorTypes.Multiply:
case OperatorTypes.Divide:
case OperatorTypes.Modulus:
return Associativenesses.Left;
throw new Exception("Invalid Operator Type for Associativeness get");
public override string ToString()
switch (OperatorType)
case OperatorTypes.Plus: return "+";
case OperatorTypes.Minus: return "-";
case OperatorTypes.Multiply: return "*";
case OperatorTypes.Divide: return "/";
case OperatorTypes.Equals: return "=";
case OperatorTypes.Exclamation: return "!";
case OperatorTypes.Modulus: return "%";
default: return null;
public static OperatorTypes? GetOperatorType(string operatorValue)
switch (operatorValue)
case "+": return OperatorTypes.Plus;
case "-": return OperatorTypes.Minus;
case "*": return OperatorTypes.Multiply;
case "/": return OperatorTypes.Divide;
case "=": return OperatorTypes.Equals;
case "!": return OperatorTypes.Exclamation;
case "%": return OperatorTypes.Modulus;
default: return null;
class Parenthesis : Token
public ParenthesisTypes ParenthesisType { get; set; }
public Parenthesis(ParenthesisTypes parenthesisType) { ParenthesisType = parenthesisType; }
public override string ToString() { if (ParenthesisType == ParenthesisTypes.Open) return "("; else return ")"; }
public static ParenthesisTypes? GetParenthesisType(string parenthesisValue)
switch (parenthesisValue)
case "(": return ParenthesisTypes.Open;
case ")": return ParenthesisTypes.Close;
default: return null;
class Numeric : Token
public decimal Value { get; set; }
public Numeric(decimal value) { Value = value; }
public override string ToString() { return Value.ToString(); }
public class Formula
public Stack<Token> InfixTokens { get; set; }
public Stack<Token> PostfixTokens { get; set; }
public string RawFormula { get; set; }
public Formula(string rawFormula)
// store the raw formula
RawFormula = rawFormula;
InfixTokens = new Stack<Token>();
PostfixTokens = new Stack<Token>();
#region generate the InFix Stack
Stack<Token> tokens = new Stack<Token>();
string store = "";
// parse the formula into a stack of tokens
while (rawFormula.Length > 0)
string ThisChar = rawFormula.Substring(0, 1);
if (Regex.IsMatch(ThisChar, "[0-9\\.]"))
// a numeric char, so store it until the number is reached
store += ThisChar;
else if (Operator.GetOperatorType(ThisChar) != null)
// a value is stored, so add it to the stack before processing the operator
if (store != "")
tokens.Push(new Numeric(Convert.ToDecimal(store)));
store = "";
tokens.Push(new Operator((OperatorTypes)Operator.GetOperatorType(ThisChar)));
else if (Parenthesis.GetParenthesisType(ThisChar)!=null)
// a value is stored, so add it to the stack before processing the parenthesis
if (store != "")
tokens.Push(new Numeric(Convert.ToDecimal(store)));
store = "";
tokens.Push(new Parenthesis((ParenthesisTypes)Parenthesis.GetParenthesisType(ThisChar)));
// ignore blanks (unless between to numbers)
if (!(ThisChar == " " && !(store != "" && Regex.IsMatch(rawFormula.Substring(1, 1), "[0-9\\.]"))))
throw new Exception("Invalid character in Formula: " + ThisChar);
// move to the next position
rawFormula = rawFormula.Substring(1);
// if there is still something in the numeric store, add it to the stack
if (store != "")
tokens.Push(new Numeric(Convert.ToDecimal(store)));
// reverse the stack
Stack<Token> reversedStack = new Stack<Token>();
while (tokens.Count > 0) reversedStack.Push(tokens.Pop());
// store in the Tokens property
InfixTokens = reversedStack;
#region generate the PostFix Stack
// get a reversed copy of the tokens
Stack<Token> infixTokens = new Stack<Token>(InfixTokens);
Stack<Token> InFixStack = new Stack<Token>();
while (infixTokens.Count > 0) InFixStack.Push(infixTokens.Pop());
// new stacks
Stack<Token> output = new Stack<Token>();
Stack<Token> operators = new Stack<Token>();
while (InFixStack.Count > 0)
Token currentToken = InFixStack.Pop();
// if it's an operator
if (currentToken.GetType() == typeof(Operator))
// move precedent operators to output
while (operators.Count > 0 && operators.Peek().GetType() == typeof(Operator))
Operator currentOperator = (Operator)currentToken;
Operator nextOperator = (Operator)operators.Peek();
if ((currentOperator.Associativeness == Associativenesses.Left && currentOperator.Precedence <= nextOperator.Precedence)
|| (currentOperator.Associativeness == Associativenesses.Right && currentOperator.Precedence < nextOperator.Precedence))
// add to operators
// if it's a bracket
else if (currentToken.GetType() == typeof(Parenthesis))
switch (((Parenthesis)currentToken).ParenthesisType)
// if it's an opening bracket, add it to operators
case ParenthesisTypes.Open:
// if it's a closing bracket
case ParenthesisTypes.Close:
// shift operators in between opening to output
while (operators.Count > 0)
Token nextOperator = operators.Peek();
if (nextOperator.GetType() == typeof(Parenthesis) && ((Parenthesis)nextOperator).ParenthesisType == ParenthesisTypes.Open) break;
// add to operators
// if it's numeric, add to output
else if (currentToken.GetType() == typeof(Numeric))
// for all remaining operators, move to output
while (operators.Count > 0)
// reverse the stack
reversedStack = new Stack<Token>();
while (output.Count > 0) reversedStack.Push(output.Pop());
// store in the Tokens property
PostfixTokens = reversedStack;
public decimal Calculate()
Stack<Numeric> EvaluationStack = new Stack<Numeric>();
// get a reversed copy of the tokens
Stack<Token> postFixStack = new Stack<Token>(PostfixTokens);
Stack<Token> PostFixStack = new Stack<Token>();
while (postFixStack.Count > 0) PostFixStack.Push(postFixStack.Pop());
while (PostFixStack.Count > 0)
Token currentToken = PostFixStack.Pop();
if (currentToken.GetType() == typeof(Numeric))
else if (currentToken.GetType() == typeof(Operator))
Operator currentOperator = (Operator)currentToken;
if (currentOperator.OperatorType == OperatorTypes.Plus
|| currentOperator.OperatorType == OperatorTypes.Minus
|| currentOperator.OperatorType == OperatorTypes.Multiply
|| currentOperator.OperatorType == OperatorTypes.Divide)
decimal FirstValue = EvaluationStack.Pop().Value;
decimal SecondValue = EvaluationStack.Pop().Value;
decimal Result;
if (currentOperator.OperatorType == OperatorTypes.Plus)
Result = SecondValue + FirstValue;
else if (currentOperator.OperatorType == OperatorTypes.Minus)
Result = SecondValue - FirstValue;
else if (currentOperator.OperatorType == OperatorTypes.Divide)
Result = SecondValue / FirstValue;
else if (currentOperator.OperatorType == OperatorTypes.Multiply)
Result = SecondValue * FirstValue;
throw new Exception("Unhandled operator in Formula.Calculate()");
EvaluationStack.Push(new Numeric(Result));
Console.WriteLine("EVAL: " + SecondValue.ToString() + " " + currentOperator.ToString() + " " + FirstValue.ToString() + " = " + Result.ToString());
throw new Exception("Unexpected Token type in Formula.Calculate");
if (EvaluationStack.Count != 1)
throw new Exception("Unexpected number of Tokens in Formula.Calculate");
return EvaluationStack.Peek().Value;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string Equation = "";
Equation = "1+2+3";
Equation = "(((12.7+2)/3)-10)*(32+(3*5))";
Equation = "5 + ((1 + 2) * 4) - 3";
Equation = "1 + (3 * 4) - 3";
Equation = "5+8-(2*2)";
Equation = "10/2+3/2*4-2+4*3/4-9";
Equation = "6/2*4";
Equation = "3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ";
Console.WriteLine("EQUATION: " + Equation);
Formula formula = new Formula(Equation);
Console.WriteLine("INFIX: " + String.Join(" ", formula.InfixTokens));
Console.WriteLine("POSTFIX: " + String.Join(" ", formula.PostfixTokens));
decimal Result = formula.Calculate();
Console.WriteLine("RESULT: " + Result.ToString());
catch (Exception Err)
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + Err.Message);