是否可以为“桌面”上有图标的 Webapp 实现 iPhone 的推送通知服务?如果有怎么办?
8 回答
这取决于你所说的在“桌面”上有一个图标的 Webapp是什么意思?
不,如果您指的是一个 web 应用程序,您已按照此 Apple 说明在其中保存了带有“添加到主屏幕 ”的链接。
是的,如果你的 webapp 是一个使用webkit的瘦 CocoaTouch shell 。
2)在向 iphone 发送直接通知的状态下,您可以从您的 webapp 向 gmail 帐户发送电子邮件。
3) 5 秒内。您将收到推送通知。
You can always delegate the messaging to 3rd party notification apps. One great example is Boxcar (http://boxcar.io/). You can have your web app send notifications via their API and have them delivered to the app. Lastly, you can the use deeplinks in your message to open your webapp to point the user to the content item you wanted to bring their attention to.
不,这是不可能的。它仅适用于可可触控 (AppStore) 应用程序。如果您想了解更多信息,请查看文档。
Another provider for sending sms as notification is https://bulktrade.de There works world wide
您可以使用 HTML5 来引入您自己的推送消息。来自维基百科
“对于客户端,WebSocket 将在 Firefox 4、Google Chrome 4、Opera 11 和 Safari 5 以及 iOS 4.2 中的移动版 Safari 中实现。1 OS7 中的黑莓浏览器也支持 WebSockets。”
To do this, you need your own provider server to push the messages to the clients.
If you want to use APN (Apple Push Notification), you must have a native application which must be downloaded through the App Store.
From iOS 6.0 I noticed that a WebApp icon placed on homescreen automaticly refreshes after each webkit open of webapp. Of course if you change this icon on the webserver. So theoretically you can display any informative content in this icon(numbers, status etc) BUT it will not refreshes instantly - only after opening and closing a webkit webapp.