我有一个固定大小的 TextBlock,它是环绕文本的。有时短有时长。
如何使 Fontsize 灵活以使文本适合具有静态大小的 TextBox?
将 fontsize 设置为一个您不希望大于该值的值。当您更改字体大小或更改内容时,TextBlock 的 ActualHeight 会发生变化。我基于此构建了解决方案。您应该为 SizeChanged 事件创建一个事件处理程序并将以下代码写入其中。
private void MyTextBlock_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
double desiredHeight = 80; // Here you'll write the height you want the text to use
if (this.MyTextBlock.ActualHeight > desiredHeight)
// You want to know, how many times bigger the actual height is, than what you want to have.
// The reason for Math.Sqrt() is explained below in the text.
double fontsizeMultiplier = Math.Sqrt(desiredHeight / this.MyTextBlock.ActualHeight);
// Math.Floor() can be omitted in the next line if you don't want a very tall and narrow TextBox.
this.MyTextBlock.FontSize = Math.Floor(this.MyTextBlock.FontSize * fontsizeMultiplier);
this.MyTextBlock.Height = desiredHeight; // ActualHeight will be changed if the text is too big, after the text was resized, but in the end you want the box to be as big as the desiredHeight.
我使用 Math.Sqrt() 的原因是,如果将字体大小设置为之前的一半,那么字体将使用的区域将是之前的四分之一(因为它变成了之前的一半)宽和以前的一半高)。你显然想保持 TextBox 的宽度,只改变它的高度。
我试过了,速度很快,结果看起来不错。然而,我可以想象,在一个非常不幸的文本和高度选择中,经过几次迭代后才能达到正确的字体大小。这就是我使用 Math.Floor() 的原因。总而言之,字体大小最终是 12.34 还是 12 并不重要,这样我就不会担心“不走运”的文本,这将花费太长时间来渲染。但我认为 Math.Floor() 如果你不想有一个非常高的文本框(比如 2000 像素),可以省略很多文本。
这是一个完整的解决方案,包括设置 maxheight / maxwidth 的选项,并且在渲染时直接计算:
public class TextBlockAutoShrink : TextBlock
private double _defaultMargin = 6;
private Typeface _typeface;
static TextBlockAutoShrink()
TextBlock.TextProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(TextBlockAutoShrink), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(TextPropertyChanged)));
public TextBlockAutoShrink() : base()
_typeface = new Typeface(this.FontFamily, this.FontStyle, this.FontWeight, this.FontStretch, this.FontFamily);
base.DataContextChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(TextBlockAutoShrink_DataContextChanged);
private static void TextPropertyChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
var t = sender as TextBlockAutoShrink;
if (t != null)
void TextBlockAutoShrink_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
protected override void OnRenderSizeChanged(SizeChangedInfo sizeInfo)
private void FitSize()
FrameworkElement parent = this.Parent as FrameworkElement;
if (parent != null)
var targetWidthSize = this.FontSize;
var targetHeightSize = this.FontSize;
var maxWidth = double.IsInfinity(this.MaxWidth) ? parent.ActualWidth : this.MaxWidth;
var maxHeight = double.IsInfinity(this.MaxHeight) ? parent.ActualHeight : this.MaxHeight;
if (this.ActualWidth > maxWidth)
targetWidthSize = (double)(this.FontSize * (maxWidth / (this.ActualWidth + _defaultMargin)));
if (this.ActualHeight > maxHeight)
var ratio = maxHeight / (this.ActualHeight);
// Normalize due to Height miscalculation. We do it step by step repeatedly until the requested height is reached. Once the fontsize is changed, this event is re-raised
// And the ActualHeight is lowered a bit more until it doesnt enter the enclosing If block.
ratio = (1 - ratio > 0.04) ? Math.Sqrt(ratio) : ratio;
targetHeightSize = (double)(this.FontSize * ratio);
this.FontSize = Math.Min(targetWidthSize, targetHeightSize);