I have a java project that is being built with Maven. Instead of generating the packages from the command line with "mvn package", I would like to generate them from Eclipse. Looking at the Project->Properties->Maven->Life Cycle mappings, I see that plugin execution for "war:war" within the lifecyle phase "package" is "ignored" and the source is "uninteresting". Where is this data maintained? How do I change it? I tried the obvious, double or right clicking on this war:war and package nodes in Eclipse.

I see lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml. But, I see no mention of package or war in here.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, Scott


2 回答 2


右键单击 Eclipse 中的项目,Run As...Maven Package(或Maven Build...,然后指定包目标)。这将在 Eclipse 中使用其嵌入式 Maven 运行时执行相同的操作。

于 2013-01-12T15:46:00.797 回答

您需要创建一个 Maven 运行配置(假设您安装了 eclipse maven 插件,例如 m2e)并定义您想要从那里运行的目标。完成后,此配置将可供使用,因为它现在将成为您工作区元数据的一部分。

于 2013-01-12T15:46:55.183 回答