(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/universe)

(define (render t)
  (text (number->string t) 10 "red"))

(define (ball-image t)
  (place-image (circle 10 "solid" "red")

               (empty-scene 300 300)))

(define (change w a-key)
    [(key=? a-key "left")  (ball-image w)]
    [(key=? a-key "right") (ball-image w )]
    [(= (string-length a-key) 1) w] 
    [(key=? a-key "up")    (ball-image w )]
    [(key=? a-key "down")  (ball-image w )]
    [else w]))

(big-bang 100
          (on-tick sub1 )
          (to-draw ball-image)
          (on-key change))



1 回答 1



  • 系统采用 big-bang-100 的第一个参数,并将其记住为WorldState
  • 然后它将它传递给 on-tick ( sub1 ) 函数,前提是它存在于每个滴答上。
  • 当按键被按下时,它会调用 on-key ( change ) 并将woldState作为 aw 参数传递到那里。
  • 在那里你画一些图片并在按下箭头键的情况下返回它。所以当一个箭头被按下时,它会返回ball-image的结果 = place-image的结果- image
  • 系统将其记住为当前的worldState,并在下一个滴答声中将新值传递给旧过程:sub1
  • 由于该值现在是image,因此sub1拒绝它。


如果要在两个方向上移动球,则必须存储至少两个坐标 (x . y)。所以现在让WorldState成为两个数字的对。我们不需要即时功能,因为它本身没有任何变化。此外,我们不需要在键盘处理器中绘制球,所以让我们简单地更改对 ( worldState ) 中的相应值,并仅在将球放入新位置的调用 ( ball-image ) 期间绘制它 (请记住,x = (car t)、y = (cdr t) 和 (x . y) = (cons xy)):

(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/universe)

(define (ball-image t) ;<-- the t-parameter is our WorldState
  (place-image (circle 10 "solid" "red")
               (car t) ;<-- here now x variable coordinate
               (cdr t) ;<-- here now y variable, instead of 150
               (empty-scene 300 300)))

(define (change w a-key)
  (cond ;w - is the previous worldState, V here we change it
    [(key=? a-key "left")  (cons (sub1 (car w)) (cdr w))];and 
    [(key=? a-key "right") (cons (add1 (car w)) (cdr w))];return 
    [(= (string-length a-key) 1) w] ;<-- this line is excess
    [(key=? a-key "up")    (cons (car w) (sub1 (cdr w)))]
    [(key=? a-key "down")  (cons (car w) (add1 (cdr w)))]
    [else w])) ;<-- If the key of no interest, just
                    return the previous WorldState

(big-bang '(150 . 150) ;<-- initial state
          (to-draw ball-image) ;<-- redraws the world
          (on-key change)) ;<-- process the event of key press
于 2013-01-28T09:01:04.023 回答