I'm lacking a serious understanding of how modal transitions work, so please do not leave the simplest answer out of this.
I have two views with their own view controllers set up in storyboard. A button on the main-menu leads to other-view. I set up this transition purely via ctrl-click and selecting the modal transition. I also have a button leading from the other-view back to the main-menu, set up similarly.
To further my understanding of these transitions I decided that I want the main menu to play a sound when it loads up, but only the first time i hit run, and not again when i go hit the button the other-view to go back to menu-view.
in my menu-view I have a private property BOOL
@interface MainMenuViewController ()
@property BOOL menuSoundPlayed;
and my viewDidLoad...
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
if (!self.menuSoundPlayed){
//sound setup code omitted for clarity
self.menuSoundPlayed = YES;
can someone help me understand why the menu sound plays every time main-menu view loads? I do acknowledge that the menuSoundPlayed is never really initialized, but I dont know where I would even do that.
side-note: I love that apple gives us all these conveniences like story-board, but I almost wish it was easier to see all the code behind these things, so i could actually understand what was going on when i 'segue' between views.
Anyways, thank you!