I'm running ganglia in EC2 and reporting works well. I'm running gmetad to monitor a database cluster from an admin reporting instance that is a centralized dashboard for all our systems. I don't want this instance to be included in the monitoring. In the admin gmond.conf, I've set:

mute = yes

But this only makes the web front-end show the host as dead. In the admin gmetad.conf, I have the data_source set to:

data_source "cluster" ec2-X-X-X-X.compute-1.amazonaws.com

(with ec2-X-X-X-X.compute-1.amazonaws.com being the ec2 hostname of the admin instance)

I thought setting mute=yes would remove it from the reports and gstat, but both still show the admin host (localhost) as dead.

Is there a way to do this?


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您需要host_dmax在 gmond.conf 文件中将该属性设置为 0 以外的值。

对我来说,静音 Ganglia 主机最初出现(重启后),但在我设置的时间后消失host_dmax。目前尚不清楚为什么主机在重新启动后首先出现,即使mute设置为是。


这在Ganglia wiki中有介绍:

host_dmax值是以秒为单位的整数。当设置为零 (0) 时,即使远程主机停止报告,gmond 也永远不会从其列表中删除主机。如果设置为正数,则 gmond 将在几秒钟内host_dmax没有收到主机消息后刷新主机。host_dmax顺便说一句,dmax 的意思是“删除最大值”。

cleanup_threshold是 gmond 清除 tn > dmax 即过期数据的任何主机或指标之前的最短时间。

于 2013-01-31T07:16:22.103 回答