我正在尝试以下代码。我希望我的 LED 在 2 秒/2000 毫秒内慢慢变暗。编写的这段代码与循环digitalWrite(2,HIGH)digitalWrite(2,LOW). 我怀疑处理器在 255 个步骤中的速度如此之快,以至于淡出持续时间是难以察觉的。

void setup () {                        # set pin 2 as output
    pinMode = (2,OUTPUT);

void loop () {
    (for int fi=0;fi<255;fi++) {   # fade IN pin2 from 0-254
    (for int fo=0;fo<255;fo--) {   # fade OUT pin2 from 0-254

我想要一个或两个关于如何减缓褪色和褪色的建议。我最初的想法是delay(8)在每个 for 步骤中添加......但这看起来更像是一个阶梯式的功率增加而不是一个平滑的线性淡入淡出吗?这一定是最佳实践还是有更可接受的方式?



2 回答 2


我会使用 micros 函数来更好地控制您何时发出写入:



     t0 = micros()

    t1 = micros();
    dt = t1 - t0;
         t0 = t1
于 2013-01-11T17:29:22.577 回答

是的,你是对的,用微控制器不可能创建真正的线性淡入淡出。输出将始终具有一些最小步长或分辨率。对您来说,问题是“PWM 是否具有足够的分辨率以致无法感知这些步骤?”

PWN 可以分 255 步输出 0 到 100%。这与显示器上每个像素的 8 位分辨率相同。查看任何显示器校准页面,您可能会说服自己 8 位分辨率提供了基本上看起来平滑的刻度。示例监视器梯度

所以这是您的示例,它每 4 秒使 LED 亮起和熄灭一次。这向您展示了如何在后台执行任务的几种方法。

4 秒切换到关闭使用 Blink without Delay Arduino 文档中描述的方法。每次通过 loop() 检查自上次更改以来经过的时间是否超过指定的时间间隔 - 如果是,则更改状态并标记当前时间。


/* unfortunately standard LED on pin 13 does not have PWM
You will need to connect an LED and resistor */
const int pin = 3;

/* this is your step time between changes in light 
output in milliseconds */
const unsigned int tstep = 8;

/* this is the time then next change can be made.
The change will happen at or after this value. */
unsigned int tnext = 0;

/* this is the current and target light level 
The output will slowly ramp until the current value
meets the target.  So to request that the change start,
the code just sets a new target. */
unsigned int target = 0;
unsigned int current = 0;

/* These are from Blink without Delay 
Shows another way to execute delays. */
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long interval = 4000;

void setup() {
   tnext = millis() + tstep;
   analogWrite(pin, current);

/* something in the code calls this
to request a change in the LED state 
Pass what you want to be the new value
and the LED will slowly change to that value. */
void newTarget(int value) {
   tnext = millis() + tstep;
   target = value;

/* call this frequently to update the LED 
If the time of the next action has been reached,
execute the change and setup when the following
change will occur. */
void driveLed() {
   unsigned int tnow = millis();

   if(target != current) {
      if(tnow >= tnext) {
         if(target > current) {
            current += 1;
         else {
            current -= 1;
         analogWrite(pin, current);
         tnext += tstep;

/* Note that the main loop has no delays.
Execution will spin rapidly through this, most times
checking and finding nothing to to.
You would add your other functionality here, and this 
LED would continue to happen.  As long as you don't pack 
anything that takes on the order of 8 ms, you won't notice
a change in the LED fade behavior.
void loop() {
   unsigned int tnow = millis();

   // some other logic here would decide when to change the LED state
   // For this sample, just toggle every 4 seconds
   if((tnow - previousMillis) >= interval) {        
      if(0 == target) {
      else {
      previousMillis = tnow;

于 2013-01-12T07:53:47.807 回答