通常,使用为快速检索而优化的数据结构将数据保存在某个度量空间中比预先计算成对相似度值并仅查找它们要高效得多。不用说,距离矩阵选项的规模非常大——n 个数据点需要一个 nxn 距离矩阵来存储成对的相似度分数。
kd-tree是小维度数据的首选技术(这里的“小”意味着特征数量少于大约 20)
;对于更高维度的数据,通常首选Voronoi 细分。
scikit-learn建立在NumPy和SciPy 之上,因此两者都是依赖项。站点上提供了scikit-learn的各种安装选项。
Ball Trees 最常见的用例是在k-Nearest Neighbors中;但它本身会很好地工作,例如,在像 OP 中描述的情况下。
您可以像这样使用scikit-learn Ball Tree实现:
>>> # create some fake data--a 2D NumPy array having 10,000 rows and 10 columns
>>> D = NP.random.randn(10000 * 10).reshape(10000, 10)
>>> # import the BallTree class (here bound to a local variable of same name)
>>> from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree as BallTree
>>> # call the constructor, passing in the data array and a 'leaf size'
>>> # the ball tree is instantiated and populated in the single step below:
>>> BT = BallTree(D, leaf_size=5, p=2)
>>> # 'leaf size' specifies the data (number of points) at which
>>> # point brute force search is triggered
>>> # 'p' specifies the distance metric, p=2 (the default) for Euclidean;
>>> # setting p equal to 1, sets Manhattan (aka 'taxi cab' or 'checkerboard' dist)
>>> type(BT)
<type 'sklearn.neighbors.ball_tree.BallTree'>
(使用 Corey Goldberg 的计时器类计时):
>>> with Timer() as t:
BT = BallTree(D, leaf_size=5)
>>> "ball tree instantiated & populated in {0:2f} milliseconds".format(t.elapsed)
'ball tree instantiated & populated in 13.90 milliseconds'
示例查询:提供最接近数据点行索引 500 的三个数据点;并且对于他们每个人,返回他们的索引和他们在 D[500,:] 处与这个参考点的距离
>>> # ball tree has an instance method, 'query' which returns pair-wise distance
>>> # and an index; one distance and index is returned per 'pair' of data points
>>> dx, idx = BT.query(D[500,:], k=3)
>>> dx # distance
array([[ 0. , 1.206, 1.58 ]])
>>> idx # index
array([[500, 556, 373]], dtype=int32)
>>> with Timer() as t:
dx, idx = BT.query(D[500,:], k=3)
>>> "query results returned in {0:2f} milliseconds".format(t.elapsed)
'query results returned in 15.85 milliseconds'
scikit-learn Ball Tree 实现中的默认距离度量是Minkowski,它只是欧几里得和曼哈顿的泛化(即,在 Minkowski 表达式中,有一个参数 p,当设置为 2 时,它会塌陷为欧几里得,而曼哈顿,对于 p = 1。