
我想创建一个 Assert 函数,它在不打开控制台的情况下在新窗口中显示一条消息。该函数需要独立于操作系统,并且尽可能不使用 c++ 外部库。

#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>    // include windows header, for Windows Based Sistems.
// ...

void Assert (bool cond,const char* file,int line,const char* desc)
      if (cond) return;  // No Assertion.
#ifdef WIN32
      // Use MessageBox function to display the information.
      // For Example ...
      std::stringstream st; 
      st << "There Was An Error At Runtime ! \n";
      st << "File: " << file << "\n";
      st << "Line: " << line << "\n";
      st << "Description: " << desc << "\n";
      st << "Do You Want To Continue Running the Application?\n";
      if (MessageBox (NULL,"Unexpected Error", str.str ().c_str (), MB_YESNO) == IDNO)
          exit (-1);
      // Do Something, but in Unix Base Systems.
#define assert(condition,description)  \
            __assert__ (condition,__FILE__,__LINE__,description)

需要 C++ 代码在其他操作系统中输出 MessageBox


1 回答 1


C++ 标准不包括 GUI 操作。您需要使用为您想要的平台提供 GUI 服务的外部库。


于 2013-01-08T23:17:46.030 回答