1 回答 1


我会使用两种策略,Nokogiri 提取您想要的内容,然后使用黑名单/白名单程序去除您不想要的标签或保留您想要的标签。

require 'nokogiri'
require 'sanitize'

html = '
<div id="1">
  This is text in the TD with <strong> strong <strong> tags
  <p>This is a child node. with <b> bold </b> tags</p>
  <div id=2>
      "another line of text to a <a href="link.html"> link </a>"
      <p> This is text inside a div <em>inside<em> another div inside a paragraph tag</p>

doc = Nokogiri.HTML(html)
html_fragment = doc.at('div#1').to_html

将捕获的内容<div id="1">作为 HTML 字符串:

      This is text in the TD with <strong> strong <strong> tags
      <p>This is a child node. with <b> bold </b> tags</p>
      <div id="2">
          "another line of text to a <a href="link.html"> link </a>"
          <p> This is text inside a div <em>inside<em> another div inside a paragraph tag</em></em></p>

尾随</strong></strong>是两个开始<strong>标签的结果。这可能是故意的,但没有结束标签 Nokogiri 会做一些修复以使 HTML 正确。

传递html_fragmentSanitize gem:

doc = Sanitize.clean(
  :elements   => %w[ a b em strong ],
  :attributes => {
    'a'    => %w[ href ],


 This is text in the TD with <strong> strong <strong> tags
  This is a child node. with <b> bold </b> tags 

      "another line of text to a <a href="link.html"> link </a>"
        This is text inside a div <em>inside<em> another div inside a paragraph tag</em></em> 


同样,由于 HTML 格式不正确,没有结束</strong>标记,因此存在两个尾随结束标记。

于 2013-01-09T00:30:37.673 回答