我正在尝试将 (x,y,z) 坐标的 3 维数组展平为展平数组。


elements[x][y][z] = Tiles[x + y*WIDTH + Z*WIDTH*DEPTH]

这对我来说都很好,除了上面那个在迭代时优先考虑 x 坐标。

问题是,当我迭代数组时,我主要线性访问 y 值。给出一个想法,我所有的迭代都像

        for (int x = -someXVal; x <=  someXVal; x++)
            for (int z = -someZVal; z <= someZVal; z++)
                for (int y = -someYVal; y < someYVal; y++ )

所以我想在展平列表中优先考虑 y 坐标,以便我的线性 y 坐标读/写性能更好。


为了计算指向 x,y,z 坐标的指针,他使用以下函数;

Public Shared Function GetPTR(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal z As Integer) As Integer

    Dim bx, bz As Integer

    bx = x Mod BlockBuffWidth
    If bx < 0 Then
      bx += BlockBuffWidth
    End If
    bz = z Mod BlockBuffWidth
    If bz < 0 Then
      bz += BlockBuffWidth
    End If

    Return bx * BMX + bz * BMZ + y

  End Function

我真的不确定他如何计算 BlockBuffWidth、BMX 和 BMZ。


/// <summary>
/// Flatten offset x step to advance next block in x direction.
/// </summary>
public static readonly int XStep = CacheLenghtInBlocks*Chunk.HeightInBlocks;

/// <summary>
/// Flatten offset z step to advance next block in z direction.
/// </summary>
public static readonly int ZStep = Chunk.HeightInBlocks;

public static int BlockIndexByWorldPosition(int x, byte y, int z)
    var wrapX = x%CacheWidthInBlocks;
    if (wrapX < 0)
        wrapX += CacheWidthInBlocks;

    var wrapZ = z%CacheLenghtInBlocks;
    if (wrapZ < 0)
        wrapZ += CacheLenghtInBlocks;

    var flattenIndex = wrapX * XStep + wrapZ * ZStep + y;
    return flattenIndex;



1 回答 1



elements[x][y][z] = Tiles[x + y*WIDTH + Z*WIDTH*DEPTH]


elements[x][y][z] = Tiles[y + x*HEIGHT + Z*HEIGHT*DEPTH]

在哪里HEIGHT = max y + 1

于 2013-01-08T13:14:08.783 回答