I think many similar questions have already been asked, but I could not make up a copy-paste solution. So here is the problem:

I periodically compute analysis on my user data for reporting. I made up a model to store these computations in my sqlite database.

class report_data(models.Model):
    name = models.TextField()
    matrix = PickledObjectField()
    creation_date = models.DateTimeField('date of creation')

I am using an append only scheme, to persist historical data, so there are many records in database, that have

  • same name
  • different matrix
  • different creation date

My report view now needs a set, which contains that records with most recent creation date and unique names. Unfortunately sqlite does not support DISTINCT ON and the solution I found here, does not make sure, that it is always the most recent matrix, does it?


Does not work either, because, these records are all distinct by there key. As well as


does not work, because it does only return the one most recent element without taking into account the name column.

I am quite a beginner in django, in SQL I would try something like

SELECT max(date),name,matrix FROM report_data group by name

but I have not tested this.


By support of the comment discussion I made up some kind of solution, which looks like this:

a = report_data.objects.values('name').annotate(latest=Max('creation_date'))

Then, I got all the right creation dates, but how to get the annotated objects?


Now I use a ReportManager, that looks like this:

class ReportManager(models.Manager):
    def recent(self):
        a = report_data.objects.values("name").annotate(latest_id=Max('id'))
        a = list(v['latest_id'] for v in a)
        return report_data.objects.filter(id__in=a).order_by('-creation_date')

But I am not quite happy with this solution. Thanks for posting a real solution!


1 回答 1



from django.db.models import Max # also available: Q, Count, Min, Sum, Avg, StdDev, Variance, ...
于 2013-01-08T10:56:56.523 回答