1 2 1
2 4 2
1 2 1
这个过滤器可以分为水平矢量(H)1 2 1和垂直矢量(V)1 2 1。现在这两个过滤器的集合被应用于图像。矢量 H 应用于水平像素,V 应用于垂直像素。然后将结果加在一起以获得高斯模糊。我正在提供一个执行可分离高斯模糊的函数。(请不要问我评论,我太懒了:P)
Mat sepConv(Mat input, int radius)
Mat sep;
Mat dst,dst2;
int ksize = 2 *radius +1;
double sigma = radius / 2.575;
Mat gau = getGaussianKernel(ksize, sigma,CV_32FC1);
Mat newgau = Mat(gau.rows,1,gau.type());
filter2D(input, dst2, -1, newgau);
filter2D(dst2.t(), dst, -1, newgau);
return dst.t();
另一种改进高斯模糊计算的方法是使用 FFT。如果数据量非常大,基于 FFT 的卷积比可分离核方法快得多。
Mat Conv2ByFFT(Mat A,Mat B)
Mat C;
// reallocate the output array if needed
C.create(abs(A.rows - B.rows)+1, abs(A.cols - B.cols)+1, A.type());
Size dftSize;
// compute the size of DFT transform
dftSize.width = getOptimalDFTSize(A.cols + B.cols - 1);
dftSize.height = getOptimalDFTSize(A.rows + B.rows - 1);
// allocate temporary buffers and initialize them with 0's
Mat tempA(dftSize, A.type(), Scalar::all(0));
Mat tempB(dftSize, B.type(), Scalar::all(0));
// copy A and B to the top-left corners of tempA and tempB, respectively
Mat roiA(tempA, Rect(0,0,A.cols,A.rows));
Mat roiB(tempB, Rect(0,0,B.cols,B.rows));
// now transform the padded A & B in-place;
// use "nonzeroRows" hint for faster processing
Mat Ax = computeDFT(tempA);
Mat Bx = computeDFT(tempB);
// multiply the spectrums;
// the function handles packed spectrum representations well
mulSpectrums(Ax, Bx, Ax,0,true);
// transform the product back from the frequency domain.
// Even though all the result rows will be non-zero,
// we need only the first C.rows of them, and thus we
// pass nonzeroRows == C.rows
//dft(Ax, Ax, DFT_INVERSE + DFT_SCALE, C.rows);
Mat Cx = updateResult(Ax);
//idft(tempA, tempA, DFT_SCALE, A.rows + B.rows - 1 );
// now copy the result back to C.
Cx(Rect(0, 0, C.cols, C.rows)).copyTo(C);
//C.convertTo(C, CV_8UC1);
// all the temporary buffers will be deallocated automatically
return C;