我有一个包含 2000 行的文件。我使用以下内容每 100 行拆分文件。

split -l 100 file.txt outputfile.txt


outputfile.txtxa, outputfile.txtxb etc...




2 回答 2


For a one pass solution, you could use awk like this:

awk 'NR%100==1 { ++i } { print $0 (NR%100==0 ? "\nFFFFFF" : "") > "outputfile" i ".txt" }' file.txt

Also, the advantage here is finer control over the output filenames to make them more pretty. Please let me know if you require something more fancy. Cheers.

Explanation for user1937:

If you are familiar with the modulo operator, NR%100==1 will return true for the 1st line, the 101st line, the 201st line, the 301st line etc. Each time it's true, the variable i is incremented. Notice how an awk statement is made up of condition/action blocks. So NR%100==1 is the condition and ++i is the action. What you'll then notice (hopefully) is that the block that has the print action lacks a conditional. Therefore every line of input is being printed (all of the time). The value of i simply determines which file the output is being printed to.

Another bit you may not be familiar with is: (NR%100==0 ? "\nFFFFFF" : ""). This is a ternary operator which is shorthand for: if (NR%100==0) print "\nFFFFFF"; else print ""). HTH.

awk code can be built using pattern/action statements in the form:

NR%100==1                             # pattern1
    ++i                               # action1

    print $0 ...                      # action2

As you can see, pattern1 only applies to action1. pattern1 does not apply to action2.

于 2013-01-07T02:21:53.080 回答

你不能单独使用 split 来做到这一点。此代码可能会有所帮助:

split -l 100 file.txt outputfile_
find . -name outputfile_\* -exec sh -c 'echo "FFFFFF" >> {} && mv {} {}.txt' \;


其工作原理如下:首先我们使用前缀拆分文件outputfile_以生成文件outputfile_aaoutputfile_ab。然后我们调用find命令将它们全部收集起来并使用它执行命令。有一个小问题是你不能在 find 命令中使用重定向,所以我们将把重定向包装到一个 shell 脚本中并使用sh. 将{}被每个单独的文件名替换(-execfind的手册页中查找);因此,脚本将首先将FFFFFF字符串附加到文件的末尾,然后重命名文件以添加txt扩展名。

于 2013-01-07T02:10:31.763 回答